FSX AI Ships

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FSX AI Ships

Postby Buckeye Roy » 04 Nov 2007 17:31

Here is a nifty little program which will add ai naval ships to FSX (Sorry, only works in FSX). You can add and remove easily and even land and take off from the carriers.

AI Ships for FSX

Here a few screen shots I took around San Francisco Bay. Didn't have a F-18 Hornet, so I landed on the carrier with my trusty Waco Bi-Plane. :D The cruisers and destroyers have hard-decks for helo ops.




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Postby as136roy » 04 Nov 2007 20:34

Cool pics.

Can the program add AI ships everywehere in FSX?

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Postby Leemazz » 04 Nov 2007 22:24

Nice find Roy i have one question though , are the ships controlled by ATC on IFR routes clogging up an already too slow ATC ? .

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Postby Buckeye Roy » 05 Nov 2007 01:14

Question 1:

They can be placed anywhere in FSX. Either at your current location or at a specific coodinate (Latitude, Longitude or a specific waypoint). Just make sure it's on the water. :D Once you postion your fleet there is a feature which will tell you where it is in relation to your aircraft's position.

Question 2:

You control the size of the fleet and the course. There is a pull-down which is installed on your modules tab which will give ou all the options. Make sure you don't set a course that will have you beaching your fleet!

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