"SGA" website

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"SGA" website

Postby Shawn McCaig AS569 » 01 Oct 2007 00:44

I just downloaded an excellent Aeropostal DC-9 from AVSIM in preperation for my next flight. It does not include a panel (just the default 737 panel), and states that the file was made by "SGA". Does anyone know if "SGA" has a website, as the file did not give an address if they do. I would like to get a few more of these excellent aircraft from them. Thanks for your help.

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Postby Shawn McCaig AS569 » 01 Oct 2007 03:22

Found it!! It's been they've re-branded as "VistaLiners". They have some very good models available, and point you to which sites have repaints of their aircraft. If anyone is interested, you can find them at http://www.eastern-va.com/vistaliners/.

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Postby Leemazz » 22 Dec 2007 12:05

Great link i needed this one for my repaints !

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