No Flights to PIREP

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No Flights to PIREP

Postby Neil B » 23 Dec 2018 11:51

I recently completed and saved a flight which I had added to the database as a Flight Officer - An Air Cargo Carriers Short 360 flight, SNC247 MBPV-TJSJ a total of 134 mins.

The flight appears as saved in MyAAS, however when I try to PIREP it, I get the message that 'There are no flights to PIREP'. When I exit MyAAS a message comes up saying 'There was an error with the PIREP control.

Any thoughts on what the problem may be ?

Neil B
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Re: No Flights to PIREP

Postby AS201 Joe » 23 Dec 2018 12:53

Hi Neil,

Can you try to upload the flight again? Only part of the flight seemed to have uploaded. I deleted the record from the database.

Edit: If it still doesn't work, email me your myaas2.db file at jbham -at- and I'll get it working.

AS201 Joe
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Re: No Flights to PIREP

Postby Neil B » 23 Dec 2018 21:06

Hi Joe - no joy I'm afraid.
This time the message 'uploading data points' appeared before the same thing happened and the no flights to PIREP message. I should add that I've successfully managed to PIREP a subsequent flight I completed today.

Neil B
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Re: No Flights to PIREP

Postby AS201 Joe » 23 Dec 2018 23:23

I was hoping it was just a site glitch.

If you can email me your myAAS2.db file I should be able to get that flight working so it can be uploaded
jbham -at-

AS201 Joe
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