PMDG MD-11 is OUT!

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PMDG MD-11 is OUT!

Postby Guest » 14 Oct 2008 08:25


I know many have been waiting but wait no more! PMDG's MD-11 is out!! There isn't much else I can say yet because I've just started FSX and haven't taken off. When I do I'll let you know.

BTW, it's only for FSX for now. The FS9 version will be out later this year. You can get both though so it shouldn't be too long of a wait. And yes, it's expensive (???59.99) so be ready to dig in you pockets for it. It no worse than the 747 though and this one includes both passenger and cargo versions.

Stay tune for more info later!! :D :D

Postby Leemazz » 14 Oct 2008 16:52

WOOHOO !!! just got my brand new MD11 and about to write her off on its maiden flight . About time as well it was released .

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Postby Leemazz » 14 Oct 2008 18:20

Not framerate friendly and the paints are a bit rubbish but it is a fantastic model with great sounds .

Well what can i say its fantastic its the best aircraft i have flown on flightsim by far the sounds are amazing and all the controls will keep you busy for weeks there is just so much to this MD11 .

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Postby Guest » 15 Oct 2008 05:21

Oh this is NICE!!

I didnt seem to have a problem frame rates yet but it's still early. These systems seem more involved than the PMDG's 747. I will definitely be flying this for awhile! :D :D

Postby Leemazz » 15 Oct 2008 19:53

Im taking a hit with the frames in VC which to be honest i would expect with all the systems but overall it runs great . I read on Avsim people saying they get the same frames as the default aircraft but i find it a bit hard to believe .

As for price there have been loads of complaints but what did they expect with such a detailed model i thought it would be more expensive i guess i got lucky as im in the UK and it works out about 48 quid or pounds which im happy to pay .

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Postby Leemazz » 18 Oct 2008 12:42

Well i just completed my first full Auto-Land in the MD11 with a full Auto flight and it truly is ground breaking stuff . Its like nothing i have flown on FSX i recommend it 100% .

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Postby AS-487 T. Headlam » 22 Oct 2008 21:28

Ok Lee Its about a week and a half now. What do you really think. Is it worth the money and how do you rate it amongst the other "Three-Holers"
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Postby Leemazz » 22 Oct 2008 23:23

Tyrone it is amazing its complicated but once you learn the FMC and the systems its easy . The auto-pilot goes on before you leave the ground and you dont turn it of till you hit the ground it step climbs going of the weight of the aircraft . The auto-throttles are part of the the auto-pilot so you dont touch the throttles till you land .

The only problem im getting is with the V speeds just after take-off it rockets up to 4000 or 4.0 vs but it does come down .

The FMC takes some learning and is key to the aircraft flying correctly if you get the weights wrong or the centre of gravity your in for a messy flight with not much chance of auto-land .

As for the FPS it runs like a dream . I get much better framerates with the PMDG MD-11 than i do with the CLS DC-10 .

For anybody who is thinking of getting it your in for a massive surprise it is a fantastic plane to fly and by far the best i have flown on flightsim .

Only thing is the fmc takes time to program so if you dont mind that then you will love it Tyrone shame its not available for FS9 yet .

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Postby AS-487 T. Headlam » 23 Oct 2008 00:53

:D Thanks for that info Lee. Wow I can't wait for the holidays.
@---->Khalil; Saving my spare change for this. The reality of a down economy is knocking at my front door. Thank god Oil prices are dropping.

Off the topic though and something to think about. Remember in the beginning of summer when Oil prices was on a dramatic rise at over $126.00 per barrel everything went up; Milk, Plane fares, etc. Thats understandable. But what about now. Oil by the barrel is taking dramatic fall, near $53.00 per barrel. Everything remains.
Sorry for this off-topic. I just had a train of thought.

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Postby Guest » 23 Oct 2008 11:49

Yep I too understand oh so well about the economy. At my job they are laying off people by the thousands company wide. So far I'm safe though!!

As the the aircraft, Lee you are so right. This baby is a dream to fly. Takes you a while from dark cockpit to taxi with all the info you imput but once you're there you are in love!!!! I dont know what the real thing is like to fly but you definitely feel you've accomplished something once this baby is airborne.

My hats off to PMDG for this one!!

Postby AS283 Roger Dean » 10 Nov 2008 00:58

PMDG outdoes themselves again. This is a pretty 8) aircraft to fly. Takes a bit of learning to figure it all out (thanks ASHA for the MD-11 Training Flights), but once you get the hang of it she flies like a dream.
AS283 Roger Dean

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