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Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 07 Jun 2012 12:47

A number of events have occurred over the last few months that has led me to make a very important decision and issue this Presidential Emergency Order.

The ASHA Division is to be temporarily shut down and this will take effect from 0000Z 9 June 2012. All current ASHA Division operations will cease from that point forward. All ability to book or pirep flights will not be available from that date. Pilot logbook entries and ASHA ranks in logbooks will remain for now.

One of the predominant reasons is to review the ASHA Division's role within Air Source, what it's achieved in the past, what it is doing now and where it should go in the future.

I am (as are other members of the EMT) determined in its intention for the Air Source Virtual Pilot Union to be a place for people to come and have FUN - this is paramount and takes precedence above all else - ALL ELSE. It is my determination as President to make sure that we stick with that concept. This decision has no direct effect on the functioning of all the other Divisions which will continue as normal.

The impact of the ASHA Shutdown, in terms of the Olympics Operation Hermes, is that there will now be no requirement for participating pilots to fly any ASHA Division flights, but there will be a modification to the number of flights to be flown in the other Divisions and this will be advised within the next couple of days.

I strongly urge that as we go through this period of review and change, that when we go out to our members for feedback, that comments and suggestions put forward are to conform with the underlying principles that we at Air Source encourage - namely, respect and thoughtful consideration for others. Make no mistake, there is no room for personal politics from individuals at Air Source - it is simply intolerable as it is counter-productive and contravenes the whole reason of why we are here - to have FUN!

Members will be updated on progress with this review as it occurs.

On behalf of the EMT I wish to thank those that continue to support what we try to achieve at Air Source, many of you have devoted your own time voluntarily for many many years, and for that we are grateful.

Norm Edwards
Air Source President
Executive Management Team

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AS37 Norm Edwards
FAA [Administrator]
Posts: 1582
Joined: 26 Nov 2005 00:07
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37

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