Home for Christmas?

MyActive AirSource (MyAAS) is the program used by AirSource members to record their flight time. Requires Microsoft Flight Simulator and (free) version of FSUIPC. MyAAS 2 is programmed by AS 201 Joe Hamilton, and is always being reviwed for new features.

Home for Christmas?

Postby placei » 25 Dec 2017 11:26

All year I have been filing Myas flight files with no problems. When I returned to my home airport on the 23rd December I got an error message and had to file manually FR2333 EI-EBL KRK-LBA B737-800 189 PAX NO problems landing TAXING AND PARKING. IF anyone can give me the points for being at home for Christmas I would be eternally grateful--Ian Place AS171
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Re: Home for Christmas?

Postby AS201 Joe » 25 Dec 2017 12:54

Hi Ian-

Try going through the File Menu, in myAAS2, and select "File flight Reports". You should be able to upload the flight from there.

AS201 Joe
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Re: Home for Christmas?

Postby placei » 25 Dec 2017 17:03

Thanks Joe--Ian Place :P :o Happy Christmas
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