MyAAS not finding X-Plan11

MyActive AirSource (MyAAS) is the program used by AirSource members to record their flight time. Requires Microsoft Flight Simulator and (free) version of FSUIPC. MyAAS 2 is programmed by AS 201 Joe Hamilton, and is always being reviwed for new features.

MyAAS not finding X-Plan11

Postby David White AS 599 » 24 Nov 2017 20:03

I am in the process of moving over to XP11. I cant get MyAAS to connect with XP. It keeps giving me aerror message that it can not locate FSUIPC. I have XPUIPC installed. I have been using MyAAS with FSX, and FSX:SE.
David White AS 599

Re: MyAAS not finding X-Plan11

Postby AS201 Joe » 24 Nov 2017 23:58

David White AS 599 wrote:I am in the process of moving over to XP11. I cant get MyAAS to connect with XP. It keeps giving me aerror message that it can not locate FSUIPC. I have XPUIPC installed. I have been using MyAAS with FSX, and FSX:SE.
Hi David-

Sorry to hear you are having problems. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with XPlane/myAAS2. Hopefully one of the regular users will chime in with some help.

AS201 Joe
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Re: MyAAS not finding X-Plan11

Postby David White AS 599 » 25 Nov 2017 04:57

Thanks for the reply Joe. I think I figured it out. I have not been running MyAAS in the "run as Admin". For FSX I guess it didnt need to be done. But, as soon as I did that, its finds XP11 just fine. Go figure.
David White AS 599

Re: MyAAS not finding X-Plan11

Postby AS201 Joe » 26 Nov 2017 13:28

Glad you got it figured out, David. I'll have to try and remember that one.

AS201 Joe
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Posts: 780
Joined: 08 Oct 2011 23:54
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 201]
AirSource Pilot Number: 201

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