MyAAS over network

MyActive AirSource (MyAAS) is the program used by AirSource members to record their flight time. Requires Microsoft Flight Simulator and (free) version of FSUIPC. MyAAS 2 is programmed by AS 201 Joe Hamilton, and is always being reviwed for new features.

MyAAS over network

Postby av8orfliboy » 21 Nov 2016 10:41

Anyone run MyAAS on another networked computer? I'm able to get my other 3rd party software to find FSX, but MyAAS says unable to find flight simulator when run on my networked computer. Any thoughts/ideas or not possible through simconnect?

Thanks in advance!


Re: MyAAS over network

Postby AS201 Joe » 22 Nov 2016 00:57

Hi Pat

Are you using widefs (I think it is)? Available from the same spot as fsuipc

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Re: MyAAS over network

Postby JSkorna » 23 Nov 2016 00:30


MyAAS does not use Simconnect, just fsuipc/widefs.

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Re: MyAAS over network

Postby av8orfliboy » 28 Jan 2017 09:50

Thanks, Fellas. I ended up deciding to keep MyAAS on my sim computer as I have enough 3rd party software running, I didn't want to add another one with WideFS. :D

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