AAS still recording after FS stopped

MyActive AirSource (MyAAS) is the program used by AirSource members to record their flight time. Requires Microsoft Flight Simulator and (free) version of FSUIPC. MyAAS 2 is programmed by AS 201 Joe Hamilton, and is always being reviwed for new features.

AAS still recording after FS stopped

Postby Alan Turville » 29 Sep 2016 19:33

Hi Guys. I've been having a few probs just lately with my hard drive going to standby whilst a flight is being flown, if the mouse isn't moved. This can happen after half hour, or an hour plus. Its only been happening since I bought a new Hewlett Placard mouse a week or so ago. It is getting quite tedious having to left click the mouse to get the hard drive to come back to life from hibernation when I see its stopped. When I finally completed a 5-6 hr flight yesterday, I went to PIREP and found that AAS had still been recording flight time, even though the hard drive was in hibernation, and I had a flight time of 13 + hrs for the 5-6 hr flight ! And so gotta fly it again.
Any ideas guys ? Only been happening since this new mouse, but can't believe a new mouse would cause this.

Alan Turville
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Re: AAS still recording after FS stopped

Postby AS201 Joe » 30 Sep 2016 12:43

Hi Alan,

Guess I picked a bad night to not get on the computer. That's quite an odd issue as it worked fine before changing the mouse. I guess firstly, check your power options. Make sure it's all set to not sleep. http://www.thewindowsclub.com/prevent-h ... ep-windows

As for the flight. No need to re-fly it, just upload it like normal and when the webpage window opens up, just close it. Let us know the time it should be and we will get it changed so you can file it again and get the correct time.

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Re: AAS still recording after FS stopped

Postby AS201 Joe » 13 Nov 2016 11:01

You still having this issue, Alan?

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Re: AAS still recording after FS stopped

Postby Alan Turville » 21 Nov 2016 15:38

Sorry Joe I didn't see your post on this till today. No I'm not having this problem now, seems to have been a one off. I'm just about to PIREP that 13hr flight that should have taken 5-6hrs. I'll let you know when its done.

Alan Turville
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