Online Mode Not Working with PMDG747

MyActive AirSource (MyAAS) is the program used by AirSource members to record their flight time. Requires Microsoft Flight Simulator and (free) version of FSUIPC. MyAAS 2 is programmed by AS 201 Joe Hamilton, and is always being reviwed for new features.

Online Mode Not Working with PMDG747

Postby rich1963 » 27 Jul 2012 13:24

Hello all,

I've been away for awhile and now that I'm back, sooo many changes. The first I notice was no more AAS. Now we are using MYAAS. No biggy. I've used it in the past.
The problem I noticed is that when I'm flying my FS9/PMDG 747 MYAASv1 wont stay in "Online Mode". Everything else seems to be fine. Just wont stay in online mode. It works fine with my other planes. Even my PMDG 737. But with the 747 it kicks itself offline after a few seconds. Any help would be appreciated.

Rich AS398

Re: Online Mode Not Working with PMDG747

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 28 Jul 2012 00:20


Have you tried myAAS v2? V2 will supercede v1 and it is in public beta-est right now!


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Re: Online Mode Not Working with PMDG747

Postby rich1963 » 28 Jul 2012 02:27

Yes actually I have. Not sure if I did something wrong. But not only didnt I see myself on the Live Map, my flight never showed up on the website. I ended up flying the flight again with v1.

Re: Online Mode Not Working with PMDG747

Postby AS201 Joe » 29 Jul 2012 00:36

Hi Rich-
Also make sure you are using the latest build of myAAS V2 (0722). There was a problem with online mode when selected after the flight was started. It was fixed (hopefully).

Do you still have the myAAS V2 database with that flight in it?

Also, in case you missed it, there is a quick-start manual available here It goes through all the steps for a basic flight. There are a couple steps to finishing the flight report and something might have been missed.


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