JATA 2012 Awards Issued

Traveling up the West Coast of South America, the Andes Mountains will be to our East. Eventually we will reach Central America where we'll follow the Panama Canal and head Northwest into Mexico. Our next legs take us back into the United States along the beautiful West Coast into the Pacific Northwest and just touching Alaska before heading East across Canada. Our journey ends rounding the Western portion of Lake Superior and back into KSAW where we'll knock back some cold ones and tell tall tales of our flying exploits.

JATA 2012 Awards Issued

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 17 Jun 2012 12:32

Today I had much pleasure in awarding the following awards for pilots who completed the Journey Around the Americas (JATA) 2012 Event:

PLATINUM AWARD - For completing all 37 flights

  • AS20 Gary Davis
  • AS21 Ken Bolish
  • AS37 Norm Edwards
  • AS57 Jeff Summers
  • AS62 Mike Padgett
  • AS99 Martin Walker
  • AS121 Stephen Barker
  • AS122 Alan Black
  • AS129 Michael Johnson
  • AS187 Robert Poisson
  • AS195 Jim Skorna
  • AS220 Paul Sargent
  • AS248 John Iverson
  • AS283 Roger Dean
  • AS295 Neil Burgess
  • AS336 Don Gore
  • AS356 Kyle Broadbent
  • AS406 Lee Morrow
  • AS455 Don Smith
  • AS514 Roger Pilgrem
  • AS522 Lewis Gregory
  • AS545 Steve Klinebriel
  • AS626 Robert Flanagan

BRONZE AWARD - For completing at least 24 flights

  • AS191 Philip Speer

There were no Silver or Gold awards issued as all Pilots who completed sufficient to receive these awards, completed the whole event and thus earning the coveted PLATINUM award.

My special thanks to Michael Johnson AS129 who created this event!


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Re: JATA 2012 Awards Issued

Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 17 Jun 2012 12:57

On behalf of EMT and member pilots, thanks Michael for putting the hard work into this Bid Division sponsored event - as usual your planning skills were as good as all the other events you planned going way back! Your support on all fronts is appreciated here at AirSource.

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AS37 Norm Edwards
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Re: JATA 2012 Awards Issued

Postby Leemazz » 17 Jun 2012 14:56

Yeah great tour Michael very enjoyable , thanks

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Re: JATA 2012 Awards Issued

Postby kingsak » 17 Jun 2012 15:04

GREAT set of flights!
I wish we had more like this.
It was a fun trip!

Re: JATA 2012 Awards Issued

Postby Phillip Speer » 17 Jun 2012 15:58

Well done to those who completed it. I kinda ran out of time (and blown up engines on the JS41) part way around.


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Re: JATA 2012 Awards Issued

Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 17 Jun 2012 16:01

That's a pity, the JS41 is usually a kind aircraft. One thing for sure though - with the award in your logbook, you are the only pilot in all of AirSource to receive it - that's special all on it's own! :)

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Re: JATA 2012 Awards Issued

Postby AS129 - Michael » 17 Jun 2012 17:40

First off, I want to personally thank everyone for their support and kind comments. It means a great deal to me to be able to throw these events together for my fellow AirSource pilots and friends.

I have some ideas up my sleeve for some really fun events in the future. I am learning some scenery design and stuff for both FS9 and FSX so we'll see how that pans out.

Secondly, I want to thank Mark Richards and our CEO Norm Edwards for their knowledge, trust and love for this organization. July 6th begins my 11th year flying for AirSource and I hope to still be here for many years to come and I also hope to become even more involved at some point maybe from an operations standpoint.

Again, my sincere thanks!

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