Event idea - submission

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Event idea - submission

Postby AshleyW » 13 Jun 2015 12:29

Who do I contact to make an event that gives award? (I want a logbook award!) :)
Do you need to be EMT to do so? It's a good idea but requires good pilot skills and stamina.
You would definately earn the award - not for the weak!
Don't want to post it here and have my idea stolen! :shock:

Also, can the flights be restricted to those who sign to do it so the flights are not taken by people doing
random search? Nothing would be worse than half-way through an adventure and the last bid leg you need
is no longer available.

My idea is long, low and slow and requires good fuel management without the use of VOR's.
Any interest? If so PM me or post here and I'll get all the plans sorted!

Re: Event idea - submission

Postby AS201 Joe » 14 Jun 2015 11:19

Hi Ashley-
I would suggest e-mailing your event idea to any of the EMT (mainly Tom, Norm or Mark).

We are putting the finishing touches on one right now, just need to figure out some of the administrative tasks for the supporting web-page.

AS201 Joe
FAA [Administrator]
Posts: 780
Joined: 08 Oct 2011 23:54
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 201]
AirSource Pilot Number: 201

Re: Event idea - submission

Postby AshleyW » 14 Jun 2015 13:33

Look forward to seeing what you have. :)

Re: Event idea - submission

Postby kingsak » 14 Jun 2015 18:29

AshleyW wrote:My idea is long, low and slow and requires good fuel management without the use of VOR's.
Any interest? If so PM me or post here and I'll get all the plans sorted!

AS201 Joe wrote:Hi Ashley-
We are putting the finishing touches on one right now, just need to figure out some of the administrative tasks for the supporting web-page.

I look forward to both of your event flights. It's been awhile since I have done one.
Ashley, if it's what you told me about on FB, it's a great idea and I can try to help you if you need me
for anything. I do suggest, since it will take you awhile to get all info together, wait for Joe to post his events as he said it's in "final stages". That way there is no compitition between the two and everyone would be able to participate in both events! Just MHO - not telling anyone what to do. :D
Good luck to both of you on your respective events and can't wait to see them!

A note on Ashley's comment about reserving flight's for pilots who pre-sign for them. I have seen it done here and I fully support that. Not fun to miss out on Award because random pilots have claimed that last flight that you need to complete! Happened to me once and I was mad as *BLEEP*!

Re: Event idea - submission

Postby AshleyW » 15 Jun 2015 13:38

Thanks guys. I will wait and see the event that's in the works first. :)

Re: Event idea - submission

Postby AS283 Roger Dean » 15 Jun 2015 15:45

kingsak wrote:A note on Ashley's comment about reserving flight's for pilots who pre-sign for them. I have seen it done here and I fully support that. Not fun to miss out on Award because random pilots have claimed that last flight that you need to complete! Happened to me once and I was mad as *BLEEP*![/b]

For future reference, should they run out of bids on that much desired flight you can always contact the event owner and/or EMT and make a friendly request for additional bids. :)

I too am looking forward to future events. 8)
AS283 Roger Dean

Re: Event idea - submission

Postby kingsak » 15 Jun 2015 20:14

Thanks Roger. I'am looking forward to them also.

Re: Event idea - submission

Postby AshleyW » 28 Jun 2015 21:12

Can I send event Idea even if not EMT? After current event that is?
Great idea I got from another pilot. ATW with L-10E but not sure plane is in inventory. (I checked, it said page is under mainteniece.
Mean time I work Poker Run!

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