Job Descriptions for all Management Positions within AirSource. This is a work-in-progress forum until otherwise noted here.


Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 31 May 2009 16:11

1. Executive Management Team
The EMT team will consist of: (1) Chief Of AirSource, (1) President, (1) Vice President for each major operational division, being the Scheduled Flight Division, Bid Flight Division and ASHA Division [divisions may be modified/added/removed without full EMT vote], and the Vice President Training & Development (1).

2. Vacant EMT Member
If an EMT position should become vacant, the following rules will apply depending on EMT position:

Note: Reference to "Elections" means that these elections shall be held in the General Discussion Forums as a sticky topic and the poll shall run for a period of no less than 10 days and no more than 30 days *

a. Chief of AirSource - If the Chief of AirSource position becomes vacant, the President will assume the duties of COA. Any of the elected Vice-Presidents will temporarily assume the duties of the President until an election takes place to replace the President. An "election" will be held wherby AirSource members will vote for a new President. Candidates may be anyone currently on the EMT panel [with the exception of COA and President], or any member of AirSource more then 4 years AND have held any extra position (i.e. CDO, SDO, etc) 1 or more years.

b. President - If the President of AirSource position becomes vacant, a Divisional Vice President will temporarily assume the duties of the President. Procedures for election of a President will be as per paragraph 2a above.

3. AirSource President Election. Should the President position become vacant, The Chief of Air Source reserves the right to select a President based on the current or urgent needs of the VPU. Alternatively the Chief of Air Source may decide to hold an election where the members can decide on applicants. Conditions of for applications will be promulgated at that time and procedurally will be as stated in paragraph 2a above.

4. Vice President Election - If a Divisional Vice President of AirSource, or Vice President Training & Development position becomes vacant, the President will temporarily assume the duties of that Vice President until an election takes place [in addition to their main duty as President]. The President reserves the right to select a Vice President based on the current or urgent needs of the VPU. Alternatively the President may hold an "election" whereby AirSource members will vote for a new Vice President of the vacant position. Candidates may be anyone currently on the EMT panel [with the exception of COA and President], or any member of AirSource more then 4 years AND have held any extra position (i.e. CDO, SDO, etc) 1 or more years.

5. Flight Removal
Flights performed and filed by members may be removed by any EMT member under the following circumstance[s]:

a. If the flight is found to be a duplicate through automated or manual research.

b. If the flight is found to be "not complete" through automated or manual research. "Not complete" is described in section of the AirSource Empolyee Handbook.

c. If the aircraft used to perform the flight is not within standards as per section of the Employee Handbook.

d. If the flight time is 30% or more [EMT discretion] of the "scheduled" time [this is automatically calculated on the excessive flight time page using the aircraft cruise speed divided by the number of miles between departure and arrival airports +30 minutes] without the member entering remarks as to why the flight was so long [excessive time].

e. If the EMT member reviewing the flight[s] suspects that the flight[s] were filed in error or forged. This is definitely a "gray area" and must be used with care and reasonable suspicion is usually not enough. A trend [determined by automated or manual methods from their logbook or other media], remark from the pilot, remarks from other pilot[s], or some kind of hard evidence will be required from the EMT member, and must be presented to at least 1 other EMT member and approved before removal.

f. If the member is inactive for 30 or more days and has been notified by e-mail to their registered address [at the time of notification] at least once.

6. Member Removal
Members may be removed by any EMT member under the following circumstance[s]:

a. If the member is found to be conducting false/forged flight PIREPS. This is definitely a "gray area" and must be used with care and reasonable suspicion is usually not enough. A trend [determined by automated or manual methods from their logbook or other media], remark from the pilot, remarks from other pilot[s], or some kind of hard evidence will be required from the EMT member, and must be presented to at least 1 other EMT member and approved before removal.

b. Tampering with AirSource "system" including but not limited to website, programs, e-mail or any other related AirSource media.

c. Inactive pilot for 30 or more days and has been notified by e-mail to their registered address [at the time of notification] at least once. [note: If member is a CDO, EMT or any other management type position member cannot be removed for inactivity until member is returned to regular pilot-only-status].

d. Any offensive behaviour by a member directed towards any other AS member (including flaming) via either the forum or if evidence provides, via email. Careful investigation is required for removal of a pilot in this case and concurrence of all EMT members is required for that member to be removed.

7. Casting of votes. Should the voting number amongst EMT members become tied, the Chief of Air Source will cast a determining vote.[/b]

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AS37 Norm Edwards
FAA [Administrator]
Posts: 1582
Joined: 26 Nov 2005 00:07
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37

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