Job Descriptions for all Management Positions within AirSource. This is a work-in-progress forum until otherwise noted here.


Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 06 May 2009 15:21


The Vice-President Bid Division is expected to:

1. Carry out command and control over all activities within the Bid Division.

2. Liaise and provide advice where required to the Chief Operating Officer of the AirSource Virtual Airline, Air Taxi International.

3. Recruit or dismiss as required pilots that serve as Contract Development Officers. This includes formulating a a generic Job Description that all CDOs must acknowledge (both currently serving and newly appointed CDOs).

4. Appoint CDOs as required to plan, launch and monitor special Division events that meet the Division objectives. Allocate specific duties as required to cover all Bid Division categories.

5. Add, delete or modify Bid Division categories that meet the current needs of the Bid Division and that do not conflict with the primary objectives of the Scheduled and ASHA Divisions.

6. Manage the Bid Division financial accounts to ensure sufficient funds are available for the running of the Division and in particular that are able to cover the expenses involved in Bid Division events.

7. Act as arbitor if and when complaints are received by any rostered pilot involved in Bid Division operations.

8. Consult with other Division VP's, the Air Source Chief and the Air Source President on matters which could affect overall Air Source policy.

9. Encourage and promote new initiatives within the Division that lead to increased efficiency.

10. Administer the Bid Division payroll system for CDOs as well as reviewing monthly pay in addition to special one-off payments to CDOs as required.

11. Manage the Bid Division and CDO Forums including the appointment of moderators as required.

12. Contribute to the EMT forum on policy and procedure as required.

13. Any other duties as directed by either the Air Source Chief or Air Source President as required.

14. Enjoy the job and have fun!

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AS37 Norm Edwards
FAA [Administrator]
Posts: 1582
Joined: 26 Nov 2005 00:07
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37

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