Job Descriptions for all Management Positions within AirSource. This is a work-in-progress forum until otherwise noted here.


Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 12 Sep 2008 13:55

Holders of this post will be in the rank of Wing Commander.

The Training Wing Commander is expected to:

1. Schedule aircraft under the code OPTRAIN ensuring that no OPTRAIN aircraft are placed into neither the European nor Nth American Wings.

2. When scheduling aircraft, design a wide variety of training flights that covers variations of all aircraft types operated by the Division. This is to include training flights in navigation, both VFR and IFR as well as short and long distance flights.

3. Train all newly appointed SDOs in accordance with the SDO SOP in association with the COS as mentor.

4. Respond to training queries posted on the ASHA forum in a timely manner.

5. Make recommendations to the Division Commander on any other matter that is significant and that affects the smooth running of the Wing

7. Submit advice to the Division Commander that they will be away on leave and their likely return to duty date

8. Any other responsibility that has been so directed by the Division Commander

21 APR 09

:arrow: This position is currently VACANT and is not being reviewing for fulfillment at this time. 26 Apr 2014 Tom Little

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AS37 Norm Edwards
FAA [Administrator]
Posts: 1582
Joined: 26 Nov 2005 00:07
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37

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