WCT90 so far....

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WCT90 so far....

Postby TheDude71 » 12 Feb 2009 04:20



No screenies of 002, thought FSScreen was running, oh well, it was dark anyhow!!





One of these days I will get some good shots of my approaches, but to be honest, I am somewhat busy and hate hunting for the "print screen" button. Ill work on it though!!


Postby Leemazz » 12 Feb 2009 19:24

Nice shots Brett i like the comments on your flights , you can give the guy a punch from me as well when you find him . lol

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Postby vic365 » 13 Feb 2009 01:59

Brett, nice shots! I can relate to the issue of being too busy to deal with going to an outside view and hitting the print screen! :lol: I missed a great B763 touchdown at HKJK because I was very busy. I had even paused and gone to spot view and "thought" I hit the print screen key.

As I was preparing my leg 004-006 screenies I noticed it's not there...oh well.


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Postby TheDude71 » 13 Feb 2009 08:34

Yea, I like the shots of postive rate of climb and gear up, not sure how those guys get them, but Im too busy at the contorls to get them. I even tried once to replay, but nothing was configured the way it should be, like flaps and such.

Some times screenies can start to blend together, you see one at cruise you seen them all at cruise. I look for good colors on sunsets and sunrises and storms. Note, I use Cielosim to change sky textures for some really great colors and much more like landing lights. Nice little program.

As for the jerkoff and their Nigerian scam, i found him, and shooved his computer up his poo hole, doubt that will help, but i had a good time doing it...ha :P For real on this note, I had to change my email address because it was just out of hand, I spammed and spammed but they would just get around that.

Anywho, thanks for the comments, I will post more screenies about every three legs or so, working on those approach shots.... :wink:

Postby vic365 » 13 Feb 2009 20:46

Brett, usually I hit the pause as the gear are coming up or the gear are touching down (that one is a little trickier to catch!) and go outside and set up the screenie. I also use FSScreen because it allows you to just keep hitting the Prnt Scrn key and stores each screenshot in it's folder.


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Postby TheDude71 » 13 Feb 2009 23:38

Hey Vic,

Yea, I use FSScreen also, just never pause during flights, even for a screen shot. I used to have Active Camera or something like that, that was a pretty cool tool, Ill have to go look for it...

Lets keep the shots coming. I have created a Flikr account to make an abulm of this tour for all my screenies. I think Im the only one in my family that likes to look at them... :lol: :lol: :?

Postby Guest » 15 Feb 2009 13:54

you may of noticed I like to take the odd screen shot.

I use Active Camera just to enhance the feeling of FS2004. For my screenshots I use this


Its a free program and allows you to record sections of you flight and then use its editable viewpoints to watch your recordings. I record the take off and climb out, a little footage of the cruise, some of the decsent and then all of the approach once I reach the inital point. I can then watch them and snap away using another free program (see below)


Hope these programs help you get some results, the recorder program in particular os great, but takes a little getting used too.

Postby TheDude71 » 15 Feb 2009 14:58

Nice!! Thanks Darren. One question, when you go back to watch the recording, can you pan to outside views and the like. Without running the program im guessing you can but just wanted to ask.

Thanks for the links!!

Postby Guest » 15 Feb 2009 15:35

Yup, you simply choose 'RECORD' and once you have recorded enough for your needs you stop the recording.

It then saves the recording for you.

After your flight you then go back into the recorder menu and simply choose 'PLAY'.

You can then change views as much as you like. The cool thing is that you can edit the views to get some really cool perspectives and views (take a look at my last post for some examples!).

Postby vic365 » 15 Feb 2009 17:41

That sounds interesting, Darren...will have to ckeck it out.


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Postby TheDude71 » 15 Feb 2009 23:29

Thanks Darren. Installing them now. Plan on knocking out CWTOO7 later tonight, just waiting for the sun to rise over Jomo Kenyatta.

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