Cargo dawg 01, UPS B763

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Cargo dawg 01, UPS B763

Postby vic365 » 13 Jul 2008 21:41

A few shots from my first flight.






I really like the Level-D 763.

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Postby AS455 - Don » 23 Jul 2008 19:30

Hey Vic
2nd pic, You flew over Three-mile Island (Airport Middletown in Harrisburg, PA)?
Cool, so did I back in '81 (RW) in a rented C172. I was doing closed circuits, BUT, I was sticking my wing right down the stacks (3Mile) on my base turn and taking pictures (above 500??? of course). Well, that made the locals very nervous and TMI (Gov) called the MDT Tower and asked me not to get so close.
MDT Tower: "Cessna Nxxxx, Please extend your downwind or cut your pattern short so that you don't make those people down there at 3 Mile Island nervous!"
No one came out to visit my plane when I landed, but I was looking for them!

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Postby snakey-111 » 24 Jul 2008 13:58

Nice shots!!!!! Like the 767!!!!!

Like the last one, it's a good action shot! :D

Postby JSkorna » 24 Jul 2008 15:29


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Postby vic365 » 02 Aug 2008 15:23

Thanks guys. I can't compete with the FSX party for nice screenies...but I'll be doing FS9 for some time to come. Don't have the system for FSX, not impressed with what they DIDN'T fix and I've bought 2 sets of XPpro SP2 because Vista may be the worst release of OS software from Redmond yet (I got them BEFORE everyone realized it!). Well...maybe not as bad as ME? Anyway...that's for another forum :wink: .

Don, I didn't realize it was Three-Mile Island until you mentioned it. After that it dawned on me (I can be slow, at times LOL!), I had never seen another nuke plant while FS'ing...and I'm flying over Penn. DOH! Pass the jelly donuts, Homer!


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