AS099 Heavy Metal

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AS099 Heavy Metal

Postby as099mw » 02 May 2007 19:18

I just finished the European Heavy Metal.
Great 41 flights, excellent weather, good aircrafts.
I flew bit faster, because I'm really looking forward to the 707 flights :wink:
Thanks, Jeff :)

And here they are, sitting side by side at GCLP:
EUR041 (777-200ER) and AFR001 (707-320).



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Postby jsummers » 02 May 2007 20:08

Hi Martin,

I knew you'd appreciate the 707's in the mix. For me, it's a toss up between the 707's and the DC-8 on which aircraft I use the most in Africa and North America. Both are excellent aircraft from HJG.

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Postby as099mw » 02 May 2007 21:02

I will try the HJG DC-8. Their aircrafts are great.
But You know, many years ago, when I was a very young boy, my father took me to the LKPR airport (for the first time).
And my first "close encounter" was identical to this image.
I was watching the departing PAN-AM 707 from the follow-me car standing at holding point rwy 25 (now 24)...
And since that time - if You say "jetliner", then I say "707" and if You say "airline" then I say "Pan Am" :wink:

Of course, the world is very different today. You can't stand almost on the apron to watch the aircrafts.
But fortunately - You can even fly them thanks to the Air Source and thanks to other smart people.
Isn't it great?


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Postby Leemazz » 04 May 2007 19:29

Dc-8 everytime for me too checkout Aerosims Dc-8 , its payware though
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Africa finished, now in the middle of Asia

Postby as099mw » 20 May 2007 13:25

I have finished Africa several days ago. Great flights, at least one really tricky approach (try to fly a 747 like a backyard flyer :shock: ),
many visual approaches in cloudy weather (NDB usually available) and many flights flown with my favourite 707.
Here is a part of my 707 fleet waiting at LKPR for maintenance after the African flights:

Now I'm cruising somewhere above Asia. I use the SGA DC-10-30/30F.
It is rather old model but very good. I have improved the panel by the avionics switch
and especially by the CIVA INS in dual config (the two units are drawn on the original main panel bitmap, so now they work).
I like to navigate using the INS. The CIVA INS is bit more complicated than that of the HJG 707 panels,
but more functions = more fun.

Some screenshots from the ASI013 UBBB-LLBG:

Meeting at FL340:

The South African 707-320 is another aircraft used during African flights.

The DYB VOR is the end of the airshow. I'm turning left, down to Ben Gurion, while the 707 continues westward.
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