Route 66 video

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Route 66 video

Postby as099mw » 28 Mar 2007 12:01

Hi all,

although there are three legs of the Tour remaining for me, I made a small (33MB) videoclip. Right click the picture and "Save target as..."


Well, the Route 66 Tour IMHO is different from other AS events, just like a vintage biplane differs from a jetliner - no autopilot, no air-condition, no flight-attendants with warm coffee (don't forget Your thermos :wink: ) etc., etc...

Actually, the R66Tour is one of the best (if not the very best) events I have flown with AirSource. I'm really sorry, that multiplayer flights are not possible for me due to firewall limitations (out of my scope).

Jeff, thanks for very accurate route planning (following the Route is possible for most of the time even in the FS9 default environment), thanks for great flights :D

Final screenshots:
Image Image Image

Martin, AS099
Last edited by as099mw on 28 Mar 2007 20:08, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Lairyliam » 28 Mar 2007 14:17

:D :D :D

Thats really good.. thank you for sharing that.

I too am a IFR big plane flyer, and never have done this sort of thing before.... VFR whats that??:lol:

I had signed for the tour at the beginning of the week but that movie has really inspired me to to it

Thanks again.

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Postby rich1963 » 28 Mar 2007 15:28

That was a really cool video. Nicely done. Thanks.

Postby jsummers » 28 Mar 2007 20:36

Hi Martin,

Truly inspirational, almost bringing tears to my eyes. Hearing and now seeing how pilots enjoy these kind of events is what makes it all worthwhile in the end. Thank you for your time in making this video, and glad that you liked the tour.

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Postby Buckeye Roy » 28 Mar 2007 23:22

Great video Martin. I think you really captured the spirit of this event. I really liked the music too. Thanks for sharing this with us.

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Postby rabhaw » 30 Mar 2007 18:44

I enjoyed that. You can tell you were having a ball! :)

Postby Guest » 06 Apr 2007 23:31


What can I say other than brilliant - tried to watch the video at work but failed due to limitations of the pc - watched it tonight - inspirational !


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