Landing Lights at FL10

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Landing Lights at FL10

Postby ITZREAL » 24 Nov 2009 12:56

I know that landing lights should be turned on/off at FL10 depending if you are descending/ascending. Is that based on the barometric altitude or the above ground altitude (AGL) ?

Re: Landing Lights at FL10

Postby clipper759 » 28 Nov 2009 06:18

Baro usually. But in the case of some high altitude airports ( Denver, Bogota, etc.) your best estimate of 10000 AGL will do. Better early than later when it comes to safety.
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Re: Landing Lights at FL10

Postby ITZREAL » 28 Nov 2009 08:32

OK, thanks.

Re: Landing Lights at FL10

Postby sonjamichelle » 29 Nov 2009 18:19

FL10 is technically 100,000 feet. FL's aren't used until you get up to 18,000 and above.

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Re: Landing Lights at FL10

Postby Leemazz » 29 Nov 2009 18:25

Surely 100,000 feet would be FL100

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Re: Landing Lights at FL10

Postby ITZREAL » 30 Nov 2009 11:28

I don't know about the Real World 'technical' jargon, but I do know that in the Sim World of MSFS, FL10 means 10000 ft.

Re: Landing Lights at FL10

Postby as099mw » 30 Nov 2009 11:36

I don't know about the Real World 'technical' jargon, but I do know that in the Sim World of MSFS, FL10 means 10000 ft.

In Real World, too. Your're right. Of course.


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Re: Landing Lights at FL10

Postby ITZREAL » 30 Nov 2009 12:18

Thanks Martin.

Re: Landing Lights at FL10

Postby as099mw » 30 Nov 2009 13:31

Hehe, those zeros... :o :shock: :?
FL100 ~ 10,000 ft

FL10 (which would be altitude one thousand feet) does not exist, because it is below any possible transition altitude (anywhere all over the world).

See for example.


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Re: Landing Lights at FL10

Postby ITZREAL » 02 Dec 2009 10:15

Remember, we are talking MSFS. As I stated, in the Sim World of MSFS, FL10 MEANS 10000ft. Regardless of what you read or you exposed to in Real World training, we follow the rules in the game. It is a game by the way, I'm just following the rules as best I can and stay as current with Real World guidelines and adhere to to them as they apply to our Sim. It was a simple question with a simple answer. Anything else deduced from such is getting off topic.

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