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Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 09 Apr 2010 15:53

To commemorate 10 years since the inception of Air Source, members of the EMT have decided to award ALL AirSource members who are serving on the pilot roster, as at 1 Jun 10, with a logbook award/medallion. Consequently, a design competition is to be held where AS members can design a medallion or award which will proudly sit in each pilots logbook.

Rules for the competition are:

1. The concept of the medallion/award must include a theme that is aviation related, and to include representation of Tin or Aluminium. Both of these elements signify the celebration of 10 years of an event. How one or the other of these elements is represented is entirely upto the entrant! The design should also contain a reference to AirSource.

2. The deadline date for submission of designs is 16 May 10.

3. The design is to be submitted by email to the AS President norm@air-source.us . The file MUST be in a format saved as a BMP file, with a size of 90pxW x 50pxH. The President will then forward the compiled entries to the judging panel for consideration after the 16 May 10.

4. The method of judging will be by majority vote amongst the five allocated judges.

5. The winner of the competition will be announced on or about 30 May 10.

6. The winner will be awarded V$25,000.

7. Members wishing to enter the competition must register their interest in entering the competition by responding in this forum thread.

8. The competition is open to all AS members except those sitting on the judging panel.

9. Members of the judging panel are:

a. Tom Little (Convenor)
b. Ron Reed
c. Jeff Summers
d. Henk Van De Meeberg
e. Lee Marrow

Any queries regarding the competition can be referred to in the first instance the undersigned.

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AS37 Norm Edwards
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Posts: 1582
Joined: 26 Nov 2005 00:07
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37


Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 19 May 2010 12:39

As at today there have been no submissions. We have about two weeks to go until 1st June, so I'd like to encourage those creative designers/artistes to have a think about it. Should there be no submissions you might all have to put up with a design I create - and I assure you all, i'm no Rembrandt, Michelangelo nor Van Gogh!

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AS37 Norm Edwards
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Posts: 1582
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Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37


Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 07 Jun 2010 12:44

As there were no entrants in this competition, Mark Richards our VP Bid Division came to the rescue with providing the medallion design which now sits in all of your logbooks (for those that were eligible). Therefore, the prize of $V25,000 goes to Mark! Thanks Mark, another splendid job! :)

A thank you to the judging panel for being on standby to judge the entries but alas they weren't forthcoming.

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AS37 Norm Edwards
FAA [Administrator]
Posts: 1582
Joined: 26 Nov 2005 00:07
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37

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