Important messages regarding AirSource operations and procedures. All Pilots are strongly urged to read these posts!


Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 01 May 2009 00:00

AirSource Virtual Pilot Union
Employee Handbook-------------------- Revision 3.11 ??? 4 March 2017

Section-----Section Contents
1 Member Guidelines: Membership requirements, maintaining membership, ending membership
2 Flight Operations: Pre flight, performing flights, post flight
3 Virtual Money: Managing Virtual Money
4 AirSource Management: Executive Structure, Manager Prerequisites, Maintaining Manager Status
5 Handbook Revision History

Section 1-Member Guidelines Membership requirements Prior experience Flight simulator PC/Software requirements Time for your hobby Past flight time Maintain your membership data Maintaining membership Minimum flight requirements EMT minimum flight requirements CDO/SDO/other manager flight requirements Maximum flight limitations Ending membership Membership requirements
There are a few prerequisites needed in order to participate in the AirSource Virtual Pilot Union community. All of these requirements are listed in the following section 1.0 Prior experience
No prior virtual airline experience is necessary. However, AirSource is ???an intermediate level??? simulation add-on experience. This means you should have adequate knowledge to complete all flight procedures such as pre-flight, taxi, takeoff, navigation, landing and air traffic control communications (simulator integrated ATC or multiplayer i.e. VATSIM). Aside from future plans to integrate ???no charge??? training flight time (where a pilot can accrue log book time but not be charged v-money for flying nor be paid v-money) there are no plans to develop a training area whereby a pilot can ???learn??? flying fundamentals or flight simulation techniques through AirSource. Flight Simulator
Although not required for ALL AirSource flights, it is highly suggested to use Microsoft Flight Simulator series simulator. The are no limitations on which version of MSFS you use, although some add-on scenery, aircraft or other programs provided or recommended by AirSource may only work in specific versions (see applicable add on documentation for additional support information). PC/Software requirements
A valid ???primary??? e-mail address is required to join AirSource. An e-mail message will be sent during registration that validates the address and confirms you have received the mail. You are responsible for maintaining this e-mail address at all times and must update your e-mail address if it changes via the human resources area of the AirSource website. A Personal Computer capable of running a Flight Simulator is required. A joystick, or any other control device like throttles or rudder pedals are not required but really do add to the flying experience. Any flight simulator may be used, but as mentioned in section MSFS series simulators are highly suggested. Time for your hobby
There are minimum requirements to meet while maintaining your membership at AirSource. AirSource employees need to report to ???work??? just as in the real world. The time needed is very minimal and should not be an issue even for those who only have an hour or two to dedicate in 30 days time. See section for additional information. Past flight time
All new registered Pilots coming into AirSource will start with 0 hours. This is regardless of past experience, even if with AirSource in the past. It is also forbidden to file past flights that were completed before the current Employment session. For example: A Pilots membership will become void if a pilot worked for another VA, joins AirSource, and files all of their British Airways Virtual flights for AirSource- British Airways. Another example: Membership will become void if a Pilot that used to be an AirSource member but was deactivated/removed for inactivity or other reasons, then returns and files one or more "past" AirSource flights. If a pilot joins AirSource under a different name after having been already banned from AirSource, said flights will be void and the member will be removed from the pilot roster and as a member of AirSource See also Maintain your membership data
It is very important to keep your member data up to date. Such information includes your e-mail address. On occasion, AirSource management may need to contact you about your membership, so it is imperative that your e-mail address is kept up to date so you can receive messages regarding your membership. Go to the Human Resources link, then ???change member data???.

End of section

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maintaining membership
Just as in the real world, AirSource employees must report for duty with a minimum requirement. All of these requirements are listed in the following section Furthermore, maintaining membership is a responsibility of each pilot. This responsibility also includes adhering to the AirSource Forum Rules and this Employee Handbook. AirSource is a community-based Virtual Pilot Union. On that basis, and to ensure that all pilots enjoy their AirSource experience, in addition to having fun, pilots are expected to communicate and behave in a manner that is respectful and considerate of others. AirSource has survived for more than a decade as result of behaviors that are consistent with good order - these are the values of AirSource. Freedom of expression is encouraged. What is not encouraged, nor tolerated, is where pilots are found to be abusive, offensive, or embarking on a trend involving personal agenda or agendas for self-satisfaction, and/or inciting others to cause disruption to the smooth running of AirSource. Such members will be subject to disciplinary action by the Executive Management Team [EMT] where their continued membership will be reviewed (See Minimum flight requirements
AirSource members (see also & are required to file at least one flight within a 30-day period. The flight may be filed in any AirSource division [scheduled crew pass], [special crew pass], or [General Aviation]. If a member cannot file a flight within the 30-day window for any reason they are required to fill out a vacation notice in the human resources section. If a vacation notice is not filed and a flight is not filed within 30 days, the member resigns their membership and all data will be removed. Since the member data is completely removed, no re-activation is possible. It is permissible if a pilot's data is removed and wishes to join again, but will need to start with 0 hours / no data. EMT minimum flight requirements
EMT (Executive Management Team) flight activity is reviewed quarterly by the President. Action may be taken if flight activity is not at management expectations. Normal procedures apply for EMT; one flight per month is recommended but not required. CDO/Airline Flight Manager/other manager flight requirements
If a member has CDO/Airline Flight Manager status or any other management title besides EMT, the Vice President of the respective Division reviews flight activity and managerial performance quarterly. A report is then forwarded to the AS President for final review if required for further consideration. Action may be taken by the respective Vice President if flight activity is not at management expectations. Normal procedures apply for managers; one flight per month is recommended but not required. All CDOs, Airline Flight Managers and EMT members have Job Descriptions which are located in the AirSource Forums. Prior to taking up a position of responsibility as a manger, pilots are to read and acknowledge the Job Description by posting their acknowledgement in the relevant Job Description forum thread.[/color] Maximum flight limitations
Just like there are set rules of minimum flights in a prescribed period of time, so there must be a maximum threshold as well. We also take into account that our members may not be able to access the website every day; Pilots may ???pool??? PIREPS together to a point. A total hour per day formula is used to determine if a pilot is above the maximum flight hours per day quota. That threshold is very similar to a real life limit of 10 flight hours per day. If a pilot has been at AirSource for 4 days and filed a total of 60 hours, their average flight hours per day would be 15, 5 hours over the limit. Of course built in protection on the website will prevent a pilot from filing flights until that average is lowered by allowing more days to pass before filing again. The pilot above would need to wait at least 2 days before filing another flight. The hour average in your logbook must always maintain 10 or less flight hours per day.

End of section Ending membership at own request
You can surrender membership by simply not filing a flight within a 30-day period or by contacting a manager by e-mail via human resources area of the website, and letting the manager know that you would like to be removed from the roster. Membership may be removed if a pilot or group of pilots that act as a collective, contravenes the Employee Manual regulations, or Forum Rules or at the discretion by the AirSource Chief or AirSource President, but in consultation with other members of the EMT (See

End of section Ending membership for disciplinary reasons
Pilots that are seen to demonstrate (by virtue of presentation of evidence) a trend of falsifying PIREPs (Pilot Reports) or whose behaviour occurs as outlined at paragraph above, a Disciplinary Board will be convened by EMT and headed by the AirSource President as Chairman. Members of EMT will look at all aspects of the incursion and declare a decision of the action to be taken. Should it be found that the member is no longer fitting to be a part of AirSource, they will be removed from the pilot roster, terminated from employment with AirSource and banned from rejoining. Specific Terms of Reference for the Disciplinary Board will be advised by the AirSource President as each case occurs.

End of section
End of section 1


Section 2-Flight Operations Pre flight: choosing flights Simulator selection Flight qualification General Aviation Division (GAD) flights Scheduled Division Flights FlightKiosk Flights Classic Flights Special Crew Pass Flights Aircraft selection Location and flight continuity Performing flights: regulations Simulation rate/speed Active AirSource and simulator rate Flight duration calculation Non-emergency deviation procedures Emergency deviation procedures Flight deadlines Post flight: the PIREP PIREP explained PIREP form- remarks field Description of a ???complete??? flight Crash or in flight incidents Description of an ???unplanned deviation??? Non-emergency deviation PIREP procedure Emergency deviation PIREP procedure Earning Virtual Pay for Flights Pre flight: choosing flights
The following section (2.0) outlines procedures and frequently asked questions about how to choose a flight to perform for AirSource. Simulator selection
Be sure to use a compatible simulator for the type of flight you are flying. For example, if flying a Humanitarian flight that uses a Microsoft Flight simulator aircraft only compatible for FS2004 or FSX versions, do not book the flight if you do not own FS2004 or FSX. However, if you choose to book and fly a scheduled flight that calls for a 737 aircraft, there is no reason why you could not use x-plane simulator flying a 737. (see also section Flight qualification
No matter if you are a new pilot or seasoned AirSource veteran, you can choose to fly any flight in any division/area that is available according to your rank if applicable. Some categories have limitations on what kind of flight you can fly, and in those cases either an error message will display when you try to book the flight or you simply will not see the flights available in the applicable flight list. The most forgiving division is the Scheduled division, whereby a new pilot could choose to fly a trans-Atlantic flight flying a 747. For maximum realism we recommend following the AirSource tutorial manual, where new pilots can follow a pre-set flight structure to get you ???off the ground???. (see also section, Note: Effective 9 June 2012, the ASHA Division is no longer an established Division. Humanitarian flights will be uploaded into the Special crew pass area (Humanitarian Flight Division) as required and determined by the VP Special crew pass area or by members as delegated under the authority of the VP Special crew pass area to carry out that function of providing flights. Determination of flights to be made available will take into account resources available to research and upload said flights. General Aviation Division (GAD) flights
This section ( only applies to the general aviation Division flights. General aviation flights are flights that you create yourself. The flight MUST be flown with any typical General Aviation (GA) aircraft as available within the GA division. A general aviation aircraft is specified and approved by the EMT panel. For a list of all aircraft available see the AirSource General Aviation main page. Flight time filed with the General Aviation Division MAY DEDUCT v-money from your account to pay for fuel, insurance, and applicable taxes. See the General Aviation Division for specific aircraft types and amount of v-money you are charged for filing flights. Since the General Aviation Division flights DEDUCT v-money from your account, please see also section which explains what will happen if your v-money account becomes a negative amount. Scheduled Division Flights
This section ( only applies to scheduled division related flights. The scheduled division flight is defined as any flight in which is located within the scheduled division area, and a scheduled flight qualifies as:

Any flight in which occurs (or did occur) in the real world for a real world airline, including:
* Passenger or Cargo flight as part of the airlines current regular schedule.
* Any flight derived from the Scheduled FlightKiosk.
* "Classic" Flights -
* CLASSIC FLIGHTS ARE DEFINED AS: A flight that has occurred in the real world for either (a) An airline that no longer operates and/or (b) An aircraft that has been officially "retired" from service by all airlines. A classic flight does not necessarily need to be ???old???, but must meet at least the requirements within (a) or (b) above.

Flight managers will periodically add and/or remove flights as necessary in order to keep the schedules as accurate and up to date as possible.

There are no minimum requirements for members to fly a scheduled division flight. FlightKiosk flights. The FlightKiosk is available within the scheduled division, and there are no minimum requirements for members to fly flights created within the kiosk. Classic Flights, definition: ???Classic??? flights are defined as flights in which were part of a regular airline schedule and either the airline or the aircraft are no longer flown in the real world. Classic flights that were not part of a regular schedule for an airline such as ???charters??? or ???one-off??? flights are NOT a ???classic flight??? and will be located within the special crew pass category. Special Crew Pass Flights
This section ( only applies to Special Crew Pass related flights. The Special Crew Pass flight is defined as any flight in which is located within the special crew pass area, and a special crew pass flight qualifies as:

* Flights that convey a special "theme" or depict a special occasion.
* Events or tours consisting of real world and/or fictional (AirSource approved) flights.
* Charter flights conducted by real world airlines.~
~Charter flight expiration dates not to exceed 30 days, one crew pass per charter flight, one redemption limit per charter crew pass Aircraft selection
The only division in which aircraft substitutions are allowed is the SCHEDULED DIVISION. As always try to match the simulator aircraft to the flight plan aircraft. If the aircraft specified in the published flight plan is not available for the simulator, attempt to match as closely as possible the weight, speed, passenger capacity and range of the aircraft to that of the flight plan aircraft. Larger or smaller aircraft are permitted only if they qualify for runway and/or range specification. For example: If the flight plan calls for a Boeing 717 and the only aircraft available to you is a Boeing 767 (much larger), you are permitted to use the 767 as long as the arrival runway length is adequate for safe landing within 767 specifications. Location and flight continuity
There are no requirements in our basic flight categories (scheduled or special crew pass areas) to keep a "continuing" location agenda. For example, some pilots prefer to depart from the same airport as they last arrived, just as in real life (instead of "jumping around" from airport to airport). This is in no way mandatory, but does make for a richer flight simulation experience. The General Aviation division does require (depending upon aircraft chosen for your flight) departing and/or arriving to or form certain airports. See the GA division for additional information.

End of section

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performing flights: regulations
This section (2.1) describes what regulations the AirSource Pilot must abide by while performing flights for AirSource. This section is perhaps one of the top priority areas of the employee manual to learn and memorize, because if any of the sub section rules below are not followed it could ultimately lead to termination of membership. Simulation rate/speed
Most flight simulators have an adjustable "speed" or rate at which time passes. This is referred to as "time compression". A rate of 1x would constitute real time, or 1 second = 1 second. A rate of 2x would mean that you are covering double the distance in half the time, or 1 real second = 2 simulated seconds. There are settings higher, such as 4x and 8x, however, the maximum rate at which AirSource pilots may fly is 2x on flights longer than 1500 NM. When calculating flight time, pilots are to ONLY file for TRUE time flown. For example: If a pilot flies a flight that lasts 2.0 hours at 2x, they are to file 2.0 hours actually flown- not 4.0. Although it is permissible to use up to 2x time compression on longer flights, it is highly suggested that all flights are performed at 1x speed. (See also section and Active AirSource-(AAS) and simulator rate
Pilots must remain at a constant 1x simulation rate during the whole flight. If you change the simulation rate for any reason, AAS stops recording your flight and you will not be credited for the time you are above 1x rate. Flight duration calculation (non-AAS)
If you are not using Active AirSource, be sure to note what time you depart, and arrive. When calculating the duration of your flight, use the time from engine startup to engine shutdown. The format for our flight time is DECIMAL. For example, a flight that takes 2 hours and 30 minutes would be 2.5 hours flown. There is a "Help" box on every PIREP page to convert your minutes to a decimal format. See also section Non-emergency deviation procedures
Non-emergency deviation procedures represent extending the planned flight time, rather than deviating from the planned arrival airport. This can occur due to heavier than expected traffic (i.e. air traffic control deviations), or unsuitable, but improving weather (e.g. hold pattern for 20 minutes). Non-emergency deviations MUST be simulator related. ???Having to leave the computer for a non-emergency reason; e.g. phone rings??? is not considered a simulated non-emergency event. If you have a real life non-emergency that requires you leave the computer for an undetermined amount of time, save the flight- it takes only a few moments. If you cannot save the flight and need to leave immediately, re-fly the flight when you come back. If you are deviating due to an in-flight emergency (i.e. landing at an airport OTHER than planned), see instead section Write down the reason for deviation, new estimated flight duration, and (once flight is complete) the actual duration flown. This information is very important! You will need this information during PIREP, or else the flight will likely be removed from your logbook by management. See also section 2.2, and section Emergency deviation procedures
An in-flight emergency is described as a simulator event that will not allow you to continue to the planned destination and arrive safely. There are a number of reasons this could happen, mainly mechanical or severe weather related. If a problem arises during flight first and foremost perform the emergency procedures according the aircraft checklist. Plan to land as soon as possible and keep track of the time the emergency occurred, the approximate location of the emergency, the reason for the emergency (i.e. engine fire, radio failure, etc), and the ICAO/airport name where you had to deviate to. All of the above information will be entered upon PIREP. ???Having to leave the computer for an emergency reason??? is not considered a simulated emergency. If you have a real life emergency, save the flight- it takes only a few moments. If you cannot save the flight and need to leave immediately, re-fly the flight when you come back. See also section 2.2 Flight Deadlines
Various AirSource pre-booked flights require you to perform the flight and PIREP/file by a required deadline date. The special crew pass area occasionally uses deadline or expiration dates. Check the appropriate division rules and regulations for details on deadlines and/or how long you have to perform the flight and file by. An umbrella rule requires that pre-booked flights must be filed (PIREP) before the deadline or you will not get credit for the flight, and in some cases will be charged a ???missed flight??? fee against your v-money account.

End of section

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post flight: the PIREP
Section (2.2) reviews the proper PIREP (flight report) procedures and expected variable input. A PIREP simply refers to a pilot reporting their flight and entering the appropriate data within the forms on the AirSource website. PIREP explained
The ???PIREP??? or flight report is a form that Pilots fill out after completing the simulated flight (see also section ???description of a complete flight???). The PIREP collects all the information needed to add flight time to the pilot???s logbook. Some PIREPS have more or less data fields depending upon the division a flight is performed for. For example, making a ???freelance??? flight for the scheduled division without using the Active AirSource program will bring up a PIREP form that asks for the length of your flight (in decimal hours like 1.0) and various other data entry fields like departure and arrival airports, etc. However, a special crew pass flight using the Active AirSource program will bring up a PIREP form with a few less data fields to fill out. Since it is a special crew pass flight, a pilot will not need to enter the airline, departure or arrival airports. And since it is an AAS flight, the flight time is automatically calculated and cannot be overridden. Most fields are mandatory to fill out, and if you make a mistake and forget to fill a mandatory field out an error will pop up and notify you. PIREPs submitted by pilots are randomly checked on a regular basis. Should a trend occur of falsification of PIREPs especially hours flown, pilots will be subject to disciplinary action (See PIREP form- remarks field
The remarks field is a very important communication source and should be used on most, if not all of your flights. Data such as flight events, flight plan, landing conditions, notable weather conditions, prominent landmarks seen, and/or mandatory data (see section for mandatory data if applicable) can be entered in the remarks field. See also section Description of a ???complete??? flight
A flight is considered complete and is valid for PIREP after all of the following criteria have been met:
A. Successful takeoff from requested departure airport
B. All applicable flight rules are complied with during all phases of flight (see also section 2.1)
C. Aircraft coming to a full stop on the ground at either the planned arrival airport or deviation point per declared emergency. Crash or in flight incidents
If a crash occurs (not related to computer problems) before landing at the planned or emergency deviation airport the flight is considered incomplete and may not be filed as a valid flight. If the computer ???locks up??? or is otherwise having problems this is treated as a crash and cannot be filed as valid flight time, however if you are using the ???autosave??? program in conjunction with Active AirSource you may resume your flight after correcting the computer problem. Description of an ???unplanned deviation???
???Unplanned deviation??? means an unexpected situation prevented the completion of the flight- (a) within the planned time limit, or (b) to the planned destination. There are 2 types of deviation ???non-emergency??? and ???emergency???. See also sections and for further explanation of each deviation type. Non-emergency deviation PIREP procedure
See also section for the proper description of a ???non-emergency deviation???. In order to file a non-emergency deviation flight, you must have the proper information as described in section Include all required information within the remarks area of the PIREP. If the information is not provided in the remarks field of the PIREP (and the flight duration from departure to arrival is longer than expected), you will risk the flight being removed from your logbook without notice! Emergency deviation PIREP procedure
See also section for the proper description of an ???emergency deviation???. In order to file an emergency deviation flight, you must have the proper information as described in section Include all required information within the remarks area of the PIREP. If the required information is not provided in the remarks field of the PIREP (and the flight duration from departure to arrival is longer than expected), you will risk the flight being removed from your logbook without notice! Earning Virtual Pay for Flights
Each division has its??? own pay specification. See respective division main pages from Pilot Operations main page for details on how the pay scale works. See also section 3.0

End of section
End of section 2


Section 3-Virtual Money Managing Virtual Money Description Of Virtual Money Earning and Spending Virtual Money Bankruptcy Managing Virtual Money
Section (3.0) covers all topics regarding virtual money management. Description Of Virtual Money
All reference to "Money" being earned, exchanged, or given means VIRTUAL Money. We are in no way exchanging real-world currency. This is made clear on the member agreement policy. Every new member as of 10 October 2002 is hired with a standard V$1,500. These virtual monies may be used to purchase virtual items, give to others, or enrollment in one of many lotteries and or "virtual stock investments" named in appropriate areas of the AirSource website. Earning And Spending Virtual Money
Methods of earning v-money mentioned within this section may or may not be fully operational or under construction at the time of this writing. Money may be earned by performing flights and filing the hours true to actual time flown. See individual divisions for specific earnings on flights and/or hours flown. Money can be earned by winning virtual lotteries or awards. Money may be given to you by another pilot or group of pilots. EMT (Executive Management Team) members or any other designated manager or extra service provider such as special crew pass area CDO's, Schedule Division Airline Flight Managers (AFM's) may also earn a pre-determined amount of virtual money deposited into their account on a weekly or monthly basis. Methods of spending v-money mentioned within this section may or may not be fully operational or under construction at the time of this writing. Money may be spent by performing flights and filing the hours true to actual time flown, such as the General Aviation flight division, where by a pilot is "leasing" the aircraft to accumulate hours flown. See individual divisions for specific deductions on flights and/or hours flown. Money can be spent by donating to other members, investing in virtual lotteries or participation to an award. Bankruptcy
If a member???s account falls to a zero or less than zero balance, the member will not be able to buy anything further. There are no penalties for going bankrupt.

End of section
End of section 3


Section 4-AirSource Management Executive Structure Manager Prerequisites Maintaining Manager Status Executive Structure
As established on 5 March 2001, AirSource executive management structure shall contain a board of directors referred to as the ???Executive Management Team??? (EMT). The Executive Management Team is responsible for maintaining overall operational stability, web publishing, employee relations, communication, marketing, financial security and business mission planning. Executive board members have exclusive rights to initiating or dismissing any rank member of the AirSource group within the specifications of the AirSource membership agreement. Minimum qualifications for becoming an executive board member are described in section, but must also meet or exceed the requirements set forth by the manager responsible for hiring the applicant. Executive board members may forcefully dismiss any other board member by popular vote within the board member team. In the event of a tie vote the highest ranking board member (who is not the offending member) decides the final outcome. The offending board member has a right to vote for themselves. From time to time Presidential Emergency Orders may be issued where circumstances or situations exist that justify such orders. Any such Presidential Emergency Order will be issued only where prior consultation with the AirSource Chief has taken place. All Presidential Emergency Orders are effective once promulgated and all member pilots are to comply with such Orders as required.

End of section Manager Prerequisites
Any member of AirSource VPU may apply to become a manager. However, to become a manager, member must meet or exceed the qualifications noted in this and any sub section of section or as specified in the membership agreement. Manager's must also comply with and acknowledge their managerial duties and responsibilities as outlined in their respective Job Description (contained in the AirSource Forum). In order to become an AirSource EMT, CDO, AFM or any other Manager, members must meet the following basic qualifications; Applicant Must: (1) Be an active member of AirSource VPU. (2) Be over the age of 18. (3) Have frequent ability to access e-mail and communicate with other members on an as-needed basis (or as otherwise specified in the job description). (4) Be a registered member of our forum. (5) Have AirSource Rank status of Turbine 2nd Officer or above. Depending upon position in question, further credentials may be required and will be specified in the Job Description detailed in the Job Descriptions outlined in the AirSource Forums. EMT, CDO, AFM or other managers already in positions on the day of or before 10 October 2002 are "grand-fathered" in under the "old" AirSource manager qualifications, and thus are not obligated to the "manager prerequisite" terms specified in this section

End of section Maintaining Manager Status
All Managers regardless of manager status/hire date are under the following terms in addition to others mentioned otherwise; Management status and/or v-money pay may be revoked or decreased at any time if (1) qualifications/prerequisites in section are found to be illegitimate. (2) Position requirements are not being met (3) Position is eliminated for any reason (4) Member resigns from or refuses one or more obligated duties assigned, or (5) Position related division v-money funds are not available or become allocated to other internal AirSource functions. (6) Member remains on vacation status or is inactive for 6 or more months. Inactive meaning no communication with any other EMT member *or* no participation within AirSource. Holding a managerial post in AirSource carries with it enormous responsibility as their duties have a direct influence upon the day-to-day running of AirSource. Managers are expected to be examples of exemplary behavior and roles models for the wider AirSource member. The holder of any managerial post can be reviewed at any time by the EMT.

End of section Disclaimer
The Employee Handbook is a guide to the regulations and rules that govern AirSource. Any situation(s) that arise(s) in which no regulation cover(s) that/those situation(s), will be referred directly to the EMT for deliberation.

End of section[/color]

End of section 4


Section 5-Handbook Revision History Revision 3 9 January 2004 Revision 3
Section (5.0) outlines the history of the Employee Handbook in revision 3. 9 January 2004
Initial release of the new PDF format. Re-aligned sections of employee handbook to conform to PDF book format. Removed website employee handbook (previously known as ???POJ???). 28 January 2004
Added extra clarification to section 18 April 2004
Added extra clarification to section to better specify which aircraft are available for personal flights. Added section ???Crash or in flight incidents???. 8 May 2004
Amended (Manager Prerequisites) to, amended (Maintaining Manager Status) to, added new section (Executive Structure). 10 September 2004
Amended (Scheduled division freelance flights). 26 September 2005
Added section (Maintain your membership data). 1 May 2009
Added section [6] 25 December 2010
Amended various sections to exclude personal division reference and added references to the General Aviation division, changed section to general aviation division requirements. 27 June 2012 Revision 3.07
Added and and amended various other paragraphs regarding maintenance of membership, disciplinary action and managerial responsibilities. Updates to previous amendment dated 25 December 2010 are highlighted in red text. 16 August 2015 Revision 3.08
Changed table of contents section to general aviation division requirements. Removed in table of contents. 12 October 2015 Revision 3.09
General review of regulations and updates as annotated in red font. 17 February 2017 Revision 3.10
Various updates including removing ???Bid Division???, replaced by Special crew passes, removing MSN chat room requirements for managers, removing ASHA division references, removing virtual AirStocks references. Added sections,, and 4 March 2017 Revision 3.11
Amended section Scheduled Flights.
Added section Special Crew Pass Flights.

End of section
End of section 5

Last edited by AS 2 Tom Little on 04 Mar 2017 17:23, edited 13 times in total.
Reason: Revision 3.09 issued by AirSource President dated 12 October 2015.
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AS 2 Tom Little
FAA [Administrator]
Posts: 3337
Joined: 23 Nov 2005 20:03
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 2] KMCO Orlando, Florida SKYPE:airsourceva
AirSource Pilot Number: 2

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