OMDW Al-Maktoum Intl (FSX)

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OMDW Al-Maktoum Intl (FSX)

Postby AS668 Geoff » 27 Dec 2019 14:18

Descending through 8000ft to 3000 into OMDW, a strange message popped up on the CDU of my PMDG MD-11F: ILS UNTUNABLE. Hmmmm hadn't seen that before and it had been an otherwise uneventful flight across the Sahara and down the Persian Gulf from my starting point in Dakar. Checked the approach plates against the Nav Radio and all was correct so not sure what is going on, but not to worry it's a clear day so I'll just hand fly the final few miles onto Rwy 30. Turning onto the final approach course of 299 there was a fair amount to do: flaps, lights, landing gear, checklists.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I looked up at the FAF, now descending through 3000 to 2000, to see...nothing! A quick zoom and check from the exterior view revealed nothing but desert below and ahead of me. Flight SJM 335 was headed for disaster!

Thank goodness for our ability to save flights at Airsource!! That done, a quick google showed that OMDW didn't exist when FSX came out and I assumed, wrongly, that ORBX global airports would include new airports like Al-Maktoum.

So now I'm searching around for a good OMDW scenery so I can finish the last 10 minutes of my flight! I see on on Simmarket for €15 that looks quite nice...will probably take the plunge and finish it off this evening.

Who said Flight simming was boring?! :lol:

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Re: OMDW Al-Maktoum Intl (FSX)

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 28 Dec 2019 02:39

"Build it, and they will come", or in our case "come, and they will build it!" :lol:

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Re: OMDW Al-Maktoum Intl (FSX)

Postby Leemazz » 28 Dec 2019 08:38

:lol: try im sure there is a freeware version or check on ...

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Re: OMDW Al-Maktoum Intl (FSX)

Postby AS668 Geoff » 29 Dec 2019 17:35

:lol: Thanks Lee and Tom. In the end I went with the FSXScenery payware version. It was on sale and is a decent quality airport. Primarily for cargo flights which I fly a lot of as I'm primarily using my MD-11 these days, so I know I'll be back!

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