Windows 8.1

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Windows 8.1

Postby Alan Turville » 12 Nov 2014 18:23

While I was away from my comp Windows 8.1 automatically installed itself....what a joke....Now I have freeze frames every 2secs and its giving me a nightmare every time I play. There is no restore point so you cannot go back to Windows 8.
I rang Microsoft who were willing to remotely take over my comp and fix the problem but it involves wiping the computer back to factory settings and you need to make a copy to external drive, which luckily I have all bar the last week.
So to say im peed off is an understatement. So all you guys/gals out there make sure your ' download updates automatically ' box isn't ticked or you may have the same problems.
I put it off for days by clicking ' remind me later ' but eventually it got me when I nipped to shops.
I did a re-install a couple of months as I lost the sound card for some reason. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !

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Re: Windows 8.1

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 13 Nov 2014 00:19

That stinks! Although I'm still on old Vista 64! :x

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Re: Windows 8.1

Postby JSkorna » 13 Nov 2014 01:10

Love my Win 7 64 bit Professional disk that IS NOT OEM.

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Re: Windows 8.1

Postby Alan Turville » 15 Nov 2014 00:15

When I reset this computer to factory settings I will be installing a Windows 7 operating system which seems a better system. I said to the tech guy at Microsoft " you will need to bring out a Windows 8.2 update to fix the problems with 8.1 " and he said " they're working on it " Hmmmmmmm .
Maybe 8.1 is a good system for some things, but Flight Sim and games aren't one of them.

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Re: Windows 8.1

Postby JSkorna » 15 Nov 2014 21:36

Yep it's called Windows 10!!

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Re: Windows 8.1

Postby Alan Turville » 17 Nov 2014 01:22

Lol.....Have to put up with this sticky frame prob for a few more days as I haven't got the spare time just yet to do it. It seems ok when I get airbourne.

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