Heat Issues with CPU

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Heat Issues with CPU

Postby SCKing » 16 Jul 2014 16:03

AMD chip, idle speed temps 58c, even after replacing liquid cooling system. Do AMD CPUs just run hotter?

Re: Heat Issues with CPU

Postby JSkorna » 17 Jul 2014 03:10

Not that hot at idle.

Case and room have cool air moving around?

Thermal paste applied correctly?

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Re: Heat Issues with CPU

Postby SCKing » 17 Jul 2014 11:15

Room temp (ambient) maintained at 71/72 degrees. No overclocking done. Due to heat build ups (between the CPU/GPU I have liquid cooling on the CPU and five fans on the system. Had to resort to leaving the side panel off the case to have cooler air introduced directly into the system (two fans). Black/blue screen lock up/shutdowns are frequent. Makes flying a real experience, with the unknown (most flights require a reboot). Four months into trying (to include numerous trips to computer stores) to make this stable, I am having a new build done. The current build could just be a bad configuration. I have had two different tech sources work on the problem without luck. The issues persist. I think I am going back to Intel config.

Re: Heat Issues with CPU

Postby SCKing » 21 Oct 2014 23:21

Problem solved...changed computers. I also salvaged the first computer with the heat issues. Two components contributed heavily to the heat build up, even at idle - AMD Cpu and graphics card (CPU idling at 53c). I put in a new Cosair H105 liquid cooler pump and changed desktop cases (Cosair Carbide 540). Between the case internal fan system open layout and air flow for configuration and the pump, temps are down to 31c idle, 38 to 40 on heavy demand. I now use that computer for my photo editing and second screen flight sim utilities operations during flight. All is going well now, until MSFS decides to throw a curve. If you're building a system for flight simming, be careful with the AMD 9730 chip, they run "hot".

PS - the computer room location recommendation is also important. Thanks for the advice!

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