**** CRASH*** 26/08/2015

Learn from others mistakes, above all be safe!

**** CRASH*** 26/08/2015

Postby Lairyliam » 26 Aug 2015 18:08


Pilot agreed to fly sector, even though it was tight on crew hours. Upon arrival in the LIMC area the pilot had decided 45 mins before that landing would have to wait because he (and the rest of the crew and "The Boss") required crew food (timed for when the "Boss" returned from a day of doing "Boss" things) Having held for 45 mins and a belly full of home made Pizza, from FL110 the captain returned to finish the job.

The FMC showed a very strange path that didn't look achievable towards the inital approach fix, so the Captain opted to vector to land, the captain, selected 3700 AFE and descended on a profile to hit 3700 AFE for the base turn. "The Boss" summoned the Commander of the flight out of the cockpit momentarily for clarification of boring and somewhat non essential things. Upon retun the captain discovered that although the aircraft had leveled out at 3700 AFE as planned, but the aircraft had gone to far on HDG SEL and was only 1200 AGL in the hills of the surrounding area.

The Captain turned away from the hills and turned long final. The captain discovered that due to the aircraft being aging and it not being as exact as the world that it fly's in, the FMC was looking for a runway ILS Feq that wasn't there, At that point the captain should of held station and corrected the problem to commence approach, (This captain can't see the ground from the cockpit until the flaps are lowered to 30 and the aircraft is at VRef +5)... The captain began an approach and continued to search for the correct frequency, as wasting time would only lead to more displeasure from "The Boss", and risk further rebuke. The captain established a high, fast and off course short final, hell bent on getting down on the first approach the captain continued...

At 1000AFE the captain noted that he was on the correct path for the adjacent runway (17R) so performed an S to switch runways, the aircraft during the maneuver slowed rapidly to VRef -15 and the stall warning sounded, and the aircraft almost touched the ground. the throttles had responded and the aircraft came alive the captain lined up with the runway and attempted a landing, once the aircraft touched down there must have been a non modeled gear collapse or tire blow out, as the plane was then deemed to have crashed.

All passengers were evacuated, and there was no fire, The pilot in question will now suffer harassment from "The Boss" and users of social media, sighting that even a Monkey would have known to perform a missed approach.

The captain when asked, claimed that he could have done it in a 737 with his teeth and that the 747 is a piece of junk when being flown low and slow while letting the Auto Throttle control the engines.
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