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Postby neilcook_as174 » 27 Feb 2008 09:44

I'm extremely embarrassed to report that ATI's DC-8-72F is laid up in the Ukraine for a little while undergoing some undercarriage repair.


My are sooooooo embarrassed. :oops:

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Postby FR8_DOG » 28 Feb 2008 00:06

C'mon Neil, we need details. :D Will she be up and runnin' by 10 Mar?

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Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 28 Feb 2008 04:28

Gosh! There goes the monthly bonus! :)

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Postby neilcook_as174 » 28 Feb 2008 08:58

I'm afraid I have no idea how it happened, other than I must have landed cock-eyed and put too much weight on one side of the undercarriage. The landing 'felt' okay, but then sagged to the right. The result is evident.

Parts are being flown in from Boeing along with engineers. She'll be back in the air soonest.

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