Incident Reporting Area

Learn from others mistakes, above all be safe!

Incident Reporting Area

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 24 Nov 2005 19:01

Welcome to the Air Source Incident Reporting Area!

This Incident Reporting Area has been created to provide a learning and teaching aid for the pilots of Air Source. The pilots of Air Source are very diversified, and have varying degrees of both real-world and virtual flying experience.

From time to time, almost everybody has questions, and many times those questions are based on something that happens while in control of your aircraft, either in-flight or on-the-ground. Report those incidents and ask your questions here.

There are also hardware and software related issues which come up. Those can be reported here, also.

Please attempt to provide as much information leading up to the incident as possible. Keep in mind, this area is for the education of our pilots. In the realm of education, there is no such thing as a stupid question. If you question something, it is very likely that someone else does too. The question you ask today may keep someone else from having a problem tomorrow!

This area is a test. Some type of incident reporting system has been needed almost since the inception of Air Source. If this area is popular and helpful, it may grow, possibly into an entity of it's own. If you have comments on positive or negative aspects of the area or the reports contained within it, please don't hesitate to contact a member of the Air Source EMT (listed on the Human Resources Page) and voice your commetnts.

WARNING: Please keep any details which may be even remotely considered objectionable out of your report! It is rarely necessary to your question(s) or report(s) to elaborate on what or how injuries or deaths occured, or anything else other than possibly the number of virtual souls on board, if you feel it is necessary to your report. The numbers of injuries or casualties should not be speculated upon. This area will not be allowed to become an area to compete for who can create the most macabre story. Any objectionable and / or offensive material can and may be removed from the post, or the entire post removed if necessary, if it is deemed in poor taste by any of the Air Source Administration or those they have placed in Moderator status. These decisions to delete sections of, or entire posts will be final, and may be made without warning. In most cases, the author will be asked to revise his/her post themselves to remove the objectionable information. Please remember that our community is wide and diverse, and consists of both young and old, with differing opinions on differing topics. What may not be objectionable to you, may be to someone else. Please attempt to keep this in mind when posting.
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AS 2 Tom Little
FAA [Administrator]
Posts: 3337
Joined: 23 Nov 2005 20:03
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 2] KMCO Orlando, Florida SKYPE:airsourceva
AirSource Pilot Number: 2

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