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Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 01 Mar 2020 06:55

Greetings all AirSource pilots, old and new. The 20th Anniversary of the inception of AirSource is upon us and this is indeed a great achievement. Any virtual airline that achieves this is quite something to celebrate but for AirSource it's different. We are not part of a virtual airline - we are a pilot union and this is what has attracted people to AirSource over many years. With a huge amount of flights being available from real life airline schedules, to niche flights to event flights and even general aviation flights that are available, this pilot union has provided two things for our members: 1. variety and 2. fun.

We owe this concept to our AS Chief Tom who has made this all happen with a great number of other members to support and help him out. For him and many others this is a hobby, but its a fun hobby and its why many have dedicated their own time to bring it all about for our members. So a BIG thank you to all those that have made this place their one stop shop to enjoy the hobby they like.

Supporting each other has been a big part of AirSource that makes it unique. For example, there are so many people I could thank that have supported me in my role over the years of being part of AirSource and I hope that you will forgive me for mentioning some in particular that had a huge influence by supporting me and encouraging me when I first joined AirSource. Tom, our AirSource Chief and Master of all things that bring us the website and fixer-upper of errors that appear from time to time along with the support of Joe Hamilton; Ron Reed and Jeff Summers who got me interested in the old ASHA Division way back and did so much hard work in uploading flights and controlling that Division. And of course Roy Loucks (RIP) who worked tirelessly on the Scheduled Division now also being run so efficiently by Alan Black and his gang of Flight Managers.

All these people and many more - too many to mention - make this place a good place to be and have done so over the last 20 years so I pay tribute to them and all of you that continue to enjoy being a member of AirSource. To commemorate the 20th Anniversary Alan Black has set up an event for this so jump in and enjoy the flights - head over to the CP section.

So, here's to another 20 years of AirSource and thank you all.

Norm Edwards
AirSource President

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AS37 Norm Edwards
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Posts: 1582
Joined: 26 Nov 2005 00:07
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37


Postby AS455 - Don » 02 Mar 2020 12:52

Hey Norm
Thank You, Sir!
We appreciate your Service to this Great place to service others.
Take Care My Friend!
Don Smith

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AS455 - Don
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Posts: 225
Joined: 07 Apr 2008 13:50
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AirSource Pilot Number: 455


Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 03 Mar 2020 11:29

Thank YOU Don... for your continued support here at AS over very many years! :)

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AS37 Norm Edwards
FAA [Administrator]
Posts: 1582
Joined: 26 Nov 2005 00:07
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37

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