2013 End of Year President's Message

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2013 End of Year President's Message

Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 31 Dec 2013 17:07

It is at this time of the year that I have made it a custom to write a few words about our Air Source Virtual Pilot Union. This year I want to focus on what makes Air Source special, because it is that very thing that drives us forward and empowers our pilots to keep coming back and being part of what we are here for.

As at the time of writing, we have 589 pilots on our roster, in December alone 17 new pilots joined Air Source (welcome!). To all those other pilots that joined Air Source in 2013, thanks for signing up because it is you and those that came before you that make Air Source special. By flying the variety of flights available you have likely found something here at Air Source which you can't find elsewhere. That is a reflection upon all those that contribute in whatever manner to Air Source as a whole and which continues to see it as a success.

Air Source is entering into its 14th year as a virtual pilot organization - that is special, I can't think of many other virtual organizations out there that has continued to maintain a high participation level by its rostered pilots. Air Source has never been a virtual airline. We are a union of pilots that have found their niche whether it be in the Schedule Flight, Bid Flight or General Aviation Division. Variety is the essence of what we provide here and the freedom and choice to fly within any Division has always been of paramount importance over the years.

What I also think is special about Air Source is the huge amount of volunteers who put in their own time to provide for all of you. Our Flight Managers in the Schedule Flight Division and Contract Development Officers in the Bid Flight Division do an amazing job along with our Forum Moderators, so a special thanks on behalf of all for your efforts. I must also extend my gratitude to the Executive Management Team (EMT) members, Tom, Roy, Mark and Henk who all collectively spend a huge amount of time in their own special way - all are hard working EMT members and a great team to work with. I want to also especially thank Joe Hamilton for the work he has done in the past, and continues to put into, the MyAAS program - awesome, thanks Joe.

2013 has been an interesting year that saw a number of changes take place, and I have to say that in moving forward we are in the development phase of a number of projects involving all of Air Source's Divisions. These projects will see a change in how flights are selected and in particular will look at ensuring we have the most up-to-date flights available for booking scheduled flights - EMT are in the testing stage as I write. I also want to see our pilots have more opportunity to spend their virtual $$ and EMT are currently discussing a way forward in order to enable this. More to come on this as there is a lot of work to be done, especially by Tom, which brings me to my final thought about Air Source.

Most of us have busy lives, whether it be with work or with family commitments and so the work that is put in by all - from the top down is dependent on the availability of time to make this place tick. We work on developments to Air Source at the pace that doesn't have a detrimental effect on our collective work and family lives. This is not a place to be stressed, it's a place to have fun and that is the highest of priorities here at Air Source.

The following are included from Mark and Roy who have some words to add to this end of year message:

From Roy Loucks - Vice President Schedule Flight Division: During 2013 a total of 126 airline schedules and 74,687 flights were updated by our Airline Flight Managers. A big round of thanks goes out to all those who contributed their efforts in updating these schedules through their hard work and dedication. It is worth noting that many airlines have been discontinued publishing online timetables, but we will continue to update those that do, and continue to look at ways to update our schedules.

From Mark Richards - Vice President Bid Flight Division: This year has seen a continued effort by the Contract Development Officers creating bid flights for all members to enjoy. Special thanks to Alan Black for researching and creating hundreds of delivery flights from the real world during 2013 and to Lee Marrow for his continued effort with his much loved cargo flights.

2013 also saw many of the world's natural disasters being flown by Air Source pilots in the Humanitarian section with most of these bid flights snapped up within hours of being posted.

In 2014, we are planning two major events for Air Source members, one beginning in January to take competitors and athletes to Sochi for the 2014 Winter Olympics. This will be an interesting event as Sochi airport lies right on the Black Sea and this is a part of the world that doesn't see a high volume of flights. Of course once the games are over, we will have to fly them home again.

Then later in the year, planning is already underway for another event, details will be released closer to the time.

On behalf of all the CDOs, I wish you and your families all the best for the New Year and for 2014.

On behalf of the EMT I want to wish all Air Source members a successful and prosperous 2014 in whatever endeavours you embark upon and whenever you want a break from the rigors of the real world, the Air Source Virtual Pilot Union is here to provide you with variety for flying as a fun hobby. That's special.

Norm Edwards
Air Source President

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Re: 2013 End of Year President's Message

Postby ianbeggs » 31 Dec 2013 18:40

So looking forward to the future here at AirSource, thanks to everyone at making this union so fun to be a part of. Happy New Year everyone. See ya in 2014. :D

Re: 2013 End of Year President's Message

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 31 Dec 2013 21:54

Cheers AirSource members! Happy New Year!!! Like we've ALWAYS done, having FUN is what it's all about here. Thank you to all the EMT and flight managers for the continued suppot and unbelievable amount of new schedule and bid flights offered to our members. It was a great 2013, and 2014 here we come!

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Re: 2013 End of Year President's Message

Postby AS455 - Don » 01 Jan 2014 07:58

Thanks Everyone!

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Re: 2013 End of Year President's Message

Postby Neil B » 01 Jan 2014 12:07

Happy new year ! Looking forward to hearing more about the planned events and the projects under development.

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Re: 2013 End of Year President's Message

Postby Greg AS#147 » 01 Jan 2014 14:08

Happy New Year! Going into my 11th year here at Air Source, I would like to thank our management team for all their hard work they have done and continue to do here at Air Source. It is this team that makes this place such an enjoyable place to be. CHEERS!!!

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Re: 2013 End of Year President's Message

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 02 Jan 2014 01:21

I see from reading another thread that Joe Hamilton, who has also been critical to AirSource success, has some possible plans for MyAAS as well :D

Thank you Joe!

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