GA Ferries

VP General Aviation Division: Tom Little.
General Discussion about the AirSource General Aviation Flights Division.

GA Ferries

Postby sonjamichelle » 29 May 2021 15:16

I REALLY enjoy flying GA aircraft, especially with the new MSFS2020 scenery.

Back in the day I flew quite a bit of Bid flights, lot's of ASHA missions and a few schedule flights and made a pretty decent killing on the Virtual Stock Market. I have a stockpile of v$ money at them moment, but I foresee myself chewing through that pretty quickly. However I really don't get much satisfaction flying the big airliners, where most of the Schedules and Crew Passes cover.

There aren't too many GA style aircraft in the Sched/Crew Pass section. Yes, there are some but they can be a bit of a bear to find and usually only cover airframes like the Cessna 208 or King Air. Not many of the little guys like the SR22, Diamonds, or little Cessnas.

I know in the past there have been several Ferry FLights for the airliners. Can we do the same for GA aircraft? I have seen many real world pilots hire a pilot to pick up their new toy from the manufacturer and fly it to their home airport. One thing the chief pilot at the flight school I worked at did a few times.

This would allow us GA fanatics to earn a bit of v$ to cover our habit. AND enjoy the flight to boot. :mrgreen:

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