GA for US Special event

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GA for US Special event

Postby Mark Vall » 09 Apr 2018 18:56

Hi team,

I`m just in middle of my personal Special event "Africa is calling". The goal is simple - visit all African capital cities flying GA aircraft.My today`s flight brought me from South Sudan to Ethiopia and other countries will follow: Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan and Egypt. As you see, I`m almost there and looking for other challenge.
(I will post separated threat covering my trip once landed safely back in Prague as Prague was also origin of this flight)


I`ll call my new challenge "US Dream" and the goal is to visit every US State capital... From Alabama to Wyoming or I should rather name it from Albany to Trenton...

And here I need your help. Looking for GA aircraft which will bring me to Honolulu and back on US soil :) Don`t have problem with Juneau as I can do stop-over flight, but Hawaii might be challenge...

What are my requirements:
- Single GA airplane to be used
- Flight origin Prague, CZ (LKPR) - already tested I can reach US via DK, NO, IC, GR and CA - pretty long journey, but also lot of fun!
- Affordable rental price under $4000 p/h- 737 or other bigger jetliner are over my budget - I flew Africa is calling event in Diamond DA 42 for $400 per hour... (cheap solution with high ROI)
- Minimum aircraft flight range = distance between LA and Honololu - unfortunately refuel from a ship is out of scope

Could you please help to find best suitable GA aircraft? I can request addition if suggested one doesn't exist in our database yet

Thank you so much and looking forward for your suggestions and hints!


P.S. It will be helpful if you know some airport code in the middle between LA and Honolulu :lol:

Mark Vall
Instrument Rated Pilot
Posts: 106
Joined: 20 Aug 2015 20:29
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 530] Nyaregyhaza, HU, Prague CZ
AirSource Pilot Number: 530

Re: GA for US Special event

Postby Alan Black AS122 » 09 Apr 2018 20:45

Can't help you with anything in between the coast and PHNL, but if you 're OK with skipping LAX, you might want to think about KSFO, KSJC, KMRY or even KNUQ. All should have enough runway to handle your aircraft and would shorten your journey by about 150nm. They are all in the 2,398-2,417nm range from HNL. Also puts you closer to Sacramento for your California stop. Actually, even flying straight to SMF, MHR or MCC is still about 80nm less than LAX.

Enjoy your trip!

Alan Black AS122
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