How is the new GA division doing?

VP General Aviation Division: Tom Little.
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How is the new GA division doing?

Postby Michael » 05 Mar 2011 02:42

I forget how long it's been, maybe a few months now? Anyway I'm just wondering how has the new GA division been doing overall as far as participation compared to before?

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Re: How is the new GA division doing?

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 05 Mar 2011 03:16

As good as can be expected, all recent ga flights can be found on the GA main page..

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Re: How is the new GA division doing?

Postby Michael » 05 Mar 2011 17:40

I see what you are saying Tom, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, but that doesn't answer my question. Let me reword this.

I am an old school flyer here at Airsource. I enjoy doing paperwork for my flights just like some real pilots do. I log all my flights into my personal logbook. As such I use manual pireps here and don't have/use myASS, and don't intend to. Therfore the GA division (which I used to love) is no longer an option for me here. Now I am by no means complaining, I still do other flights here at AS and love this place, but no longer log my GA flights, which I continue to do with all the great Orbx scenery etc these days.

I am wondering if there are many others like me (using manual Pireps), and if so maybe that has caused a decrease in GA participation here. Or maybe the changes have brought new attention and interest to the GA division and having more people fly.

So what I was wondering is how has the new GA division affected overall participation? Thanks.

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Re: How is the new GA division doing?

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 05 Mar 2011 20:01

Hmm, I just wonder why using myAAS or comparable flight recording device would make any difference or spoil the experience? Even if you manually write down your flight data in a book? But hey, to each their own preference :lol:

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Re: How is the new GA division doing?

Postby Michael » 05 Mar 2011 21:43

It's not that it would spoil the experiance. It's more about having learned the hardway too many times, computers and I don't get along very well. And I'm not blaming the computer. :wink: Add to that, my spare time is very limited. So when I do have it, I just want to fly, not spend time learning new programs, tweaking things, and troubleshooting.

After countless hours the last couple years messing around with things to get FSX to run glitch free with good frames, I don't want to make any changes or add programs etc. My philosophy these days is if it ain't broke don't fix it. At least until it's time for a new computer.

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Re: How is the new GA division doing?

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 06 Mar 2011 00:08

Understood - Nothing wrong with the KISS method ;)

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