POLES3 (Pole to Pole to Pole)

VP Special Events: Mark Richards. General Discussion about the AirSource Special Events Division.

POLES3 (Pole to Pole to Pole)

Postby AS455 - Don » 19 Mar 2015 20:14

Bid Category: POLES3 (Pole to Pole to Pole)
Currently North Pole-40: 82*25'N 130*25'W
The following sixty-two C-130 Hercules flights will stopover in more than 35 countries, range in length from 0:28 minutes to just short of eight hours in the air. These flights will peak your interests and require your best flying skills. With runways from 2567 to 12000 feet in length, your ability to calculate fuel will be paramount when landing and departing on runway surfaces that encompass: Asphalt, Bituminus, Concrete, Coral, Dirt, Grass, Gravel, Ice, Macadam, and Sand. The flights will carry you through some of the World's most hostel terrain - Ice Fields, Mountains, Desert, Tropical Jungles, Arid, Wet, Dusty, Sand Dunes, Green Grass, and Rocky Shores. All in all - Pilots - maybe this is the Challenge you have been looking for in a while. Be Prepared - Be Patience - Be Safe ??? You have your assignment - Good Luck!
Aircraft: Suggested A/C: C-130J
Performance: Maximum speed: 362 knots (417 mph, 671 km/h)
Cruise speed: 348 knots (400 mph, 643 km/h)
Range: 2,835 nmi (3,262 mi, 5,250 km)
Service ceiling: 28,000 ft (8,615 m) with 42,000 pounds (19,090 kilograms) payload
Absolute altitude 40,386 ft (12,310 m)[102]
Takeoff distance: 3,127 ft (953 m) at 155,000 lb (70,300 kg) gross weight
Get Your Bid Today!

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AS455 - Don
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Re: POLES3 (Pole to Pole to Pole)

Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 20 Mar 2015 06:20

Thanks Don for putting all these flights together, a good opportunity to pull the "Fat Albert" out of the hangar and get back into more prop flights. Excellent!
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AS37 Norm Edwards
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Re: POLES3 (Pole to Pole to Pole)

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 20 Mar 2015 07:34

Great work Don, thanks!

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Re: POLES3 (Pole to Pole to Pole)

Postby AS455 - Don » 20 Mar 2015 19:50

Thank You very much!
I believe that all of the flights that compose POLES3 have been inputted.
Please tell me of any discrepancies and I will attend to them very quickly.

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AS455 - Don
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Re: POLES3 (Pole to Pole to Pole)

Postby AS455 - Don » 20 Mar 2015 20:02

Between POLE40 and POLE47 watch closely the numerical sequencing, sorry!

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Re: POLES3 (Pole to Pole to Pole)

Postby AshleyW » 28 Mar 2015 21:55

Is there an award for this? Just saying. a lot of pilot hours and work.
I'am working PPA ATW flights now. And all live server. Be fun to get awards too.

Re: POLES3 (Pole to Pole to Pole)

Postby AS455 - Don » 06 Apr 2015 17:43

"Is there an award for this? " As of this writing, I am not aware of any award.

Side Note: Ashley - You will receive Craig and my deepest gratitude for participating in this great adventure. Thank You, Sir!

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AS455 - Don
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Re: POLES3 (Pole to Pole to Pole)

Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 12 Apr 2015 16:43

Thanks Don for posting all these great flights, just finished the final leg back to Alert! :) Well done, you've done an awesome job organizing it all :)

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AS37 Norm Edwards
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