Flight Complete - Refuelling Stop buttons

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Flight Complete - Refuelling Stop buttons

Postby Alan Turville » 03 Feb 2015 17:22

I have just done it again and pressed the wrong button again !

I am doing a Sprit Airlines LFBO-CYYR-KFLL and I have just made the mistake of pressing the ' flight complete ' button again instead of the 're-fuelling stop ' button.
I did the same recently on an American Airlines flight and even though I had the first part saved I couldn't PIREP it as I had already PIREPed the 2 other legs, and it told me the flight had already been PIREPed. So I lost 7hrs on that flight. Now it looks like could lose 6-7hrs on this Spirit flight.
My Spirit flight is now saved and there is no way of going back so I am asked ' Would you like to PIREP this flight at this time? ' YES-NO........I press NO and it goes to my saved flights to file.
Trouble is I wont be able to file it if I do the other leg ! The alternate is to return the flight and start again losing the 6-7hrs ! Grrrrrrrrrrrr
Cant there be a ' back' button inserted at the ' Would you like to PIREP this flight at this time? ' YES-NO for these mistakes ?

Alan Turville
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Re: Flight Complete - Refuelling Stop buttons

Postby AS201 Joe » 03 Feb 2015 19:12

Hi Alan,

Sorry you are having issues. I will look into adding some way to change the status of the flight.

Also, send me your myaas2.db file and I'll get it to a refueling stop for you. jbham -at- hotmail.com

AS201 Joe
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Re: Flight Complete - Refuelling Stop buttons

Postby Alan Turville » 03 Feb 2015 23:29

Hi Joe

Ok i'll do that shortly as i'm near finish of a Spirit flight and as I have 2 x Bids for the same route I'm not sure if its the one pressed ' flight complete ' or the one I pressed ' refuelling stop '......i'll know shorly

Regards Alan

Alan Turville
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