Circumnavigate the Globe

VP Special Events: Mark Richards. General Discussion about the AirSource Special Events Division.

Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby chobson » 21 Jan 2015 10:50


Today i have posted for you legs 31 to 33 this will take you across the north atlantic via one of the most dangerous approaches in the world Narsarsuaq in Greenland. It will then leave you in Wick Scotland for the final leg on our trip back to Humberside EGNJ my home airport where it all began over 100 hours previous.
As you may be aware the final leg will be published once Don And myself are in the air on the final leg . This allows us to be the first to make it home, Any other trip which we may plan in the future will not have this it will be posted all in one go but as this is our first we would like to reserve the right to be home first.

A quick update for you Don is back flying and after some computer issues ive got him flying again he has currently just crossed over into Alaska and i am currently at leg 28 so as you can see we are catching you guys up pretty quickly so hopefully you wont be waiting long for the last flight sector.

Well enjoy the North Atlantic crossing dont forget your survival suits and we look forward to see you in Scotland for the last leg!!


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Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby chobson » 25 Jan 2015 17:39

Hi Everyone

You may or maynot have noticed but myself and Don are currently enroute to EGPC Wick Scotland on leg 33 of our tour. Once we land we intend to complete the tour today so the final leg will be posted moments before we take off for Humberside EGNJ.

We are currently on the VATME server thats Virtual Airtraffic Multiplayer Experience Server its free to join and if you would like to fly with us then please login you are all welcome. Failing that we are on the VATME teamspeak server
address is

Please use your full name and as number but please feel free to join us on teamspeak as we fly the epic last leg of the round the world tour !!

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Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby chobson » 25 Jan 2015 18:46

The final leg has now been uploaded to the bid section for you all to enjoy Don and i will be taking off on the vatme server in approx 10 mins from now so thats 1855 zulu if you wish to join us .

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Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby chobson » 25 Jan 2015 20:41

Hi Everyone

Don and myself have now completed The Circumnavigate the Globe tour please feel free to complete your trip.

Its been a very memorable trip not only as for the length of the challenge but also the times and problems faced along the way . We set out in october and have covered 25,000 miles and logged nearly 100 flying hours around the globe.

I would like to thank Don for supporting me and flying just about every leg with me its not the first time we have made an epic trip like this together and it wont be the last its been a blast buddy!!

I would also like to thank Airsource EMT for allowing us to be able to share the trip for you all to take part and enjoy with out you guys it would have been a lonely trip in multiplayer.

But most of all we would like to thank the pilots that have joined in. We are still amazed at the success of our trip and the pilots involved have been here and have flown more hours than most of us put together.
Jim Skorna
Jeff Summers

a big thank you to you guys for flying every single leg and thank you for the support and i hope you have enjoyed the trip and also CONGRATULATIONS guys you made the adventure.

We are also thankful to every pilot who flew a few legs or as many as you fancied you are all fantastic and so is this place we call our virtual home Airsource.

We are planning a new adventure in a different aircraft and trust me you military pilots are hopefully gonna love it but for now its time for a short break and back to a regular flight or two before we pack a bag and set off on a new challenge i hope you will all enjoy

Thank you again

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Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 26 Jan 2015 02:16

Congrats Craig and Don - and anyone else completing this member event! Great job.

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Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 26 Jan 2015 04:20

Well done everyone and especially to Don and Craig for their work in loading the bids. Impressive that Don completed it despite losing a computer mid-event.

Great work!

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Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby chobson » 26 Jan 2015 13:58

Thank you Tom and Mark
And yes massive well done to don at one point after loosing his computer. He was 9sectors behind flying as often as he could in a week he caught me up in GooseBay that's some serious flying to get back on schedule some 15 hours all in real time awesome Job

I have just seen the pireps and a congratulations and well done to Jim Skorna for completing the event welcome back to Humberside. Jim

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Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby JSkorna » 26 Jan 2015 22:18

Thanks All!

I really did think there was going to be 35 flights so I hope I didn't jump the gun a bit yesterday by flying #34.

With no real AM football on yesterday, it was a great day to fly!

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Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby AS455 - Don » 28 Jan 2015 14:58

I would like to acknowledge the congratulations for the ???Circumnavigate the Globe??? Event from everyone, acknowledge EMT Management that had faith in us and acknowledge the participants that wanted a little something different to peak their interests. I must said, it was an idea that came from Craig that spurred us on to put this event together and have the longtime friendship to see this through. When fortunes did not look favorable for me to complete this event, it was Craig that encouraged me to ???Carry On???. Thank you Friend!

Now that there have been a couple of days to reflect after the completion of this event, I think back to the time that it was just an idea. An idea that came to culmination. I think further back in time when Aviators and individuals adventured off to far off place to achieve an idea. People that risked everything to reach a goal. We don???t have to do that now in the real world.

I am blessed to live in a time when I have seen Aviation grow and reach unthinkable and lofty goals. I cannot participate in those dreams in the real world anymore but I can interject myself into a virtual thought process that brings me close to what the real world might offer. Thank you Craig for helping me to think and really feel like I was with you on a trip around the world, a trip that Circumnavigated The Globe!

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Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby jsummers » 05 Feb 2015 18:29

Finally completed the last 2 legs of this wonderful tour around the world. I would like to thank you Craig and Don for putting this together, and also for allowing other Air Source pilots to join you on your quest. Special thanks also to Mark Richards for allowing this to be a Bid division event.
It was nice to get to fly the Pilatus again. Hadn't flown it since the ASHA day's, and the first few flights were basically re-familiarization flights.

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Re: Circumnavigate the Globe

Postby chobson » 08 Feb 2015 12:52

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for the feed back and glad you enjoyed it we are in the planning for another trip in an asha Aircraft
many of you enjoy but no more spoilers all will be revealed in good time


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