Exp. Bid Flt.

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Exp. Bid Flt.

Postby bigj » 26 Nov 2011 20:28

I blew it yesterday and let a bid flt. expire! I bid on a flt. when it had 5 min. before it expired. I forgot AirSource uses the GMT clock. I bid on a flt. at 3:55 PST, I rec'd a warning flt. would expire next day. Thought I had 8 hrs. cushion. I tried to fly the flt. immediately afted making the bid, but PC was too slow and by the time I tried to log onto AAS, the flt. was gone. Oh well, live & learn!

Question: If I would have been able to log the flight into AAS prior to flt. expiring, would I have been able to fly the flight w/o being penalized? Or, do you have to COMPLETE the flight prior to expiration?

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Re: Exp. Bid Flt.

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 26 Nov 2011 20:34

bigj wrote:Question: If I would have been able to log the flight into AAS prior to flt. expiring, would I have been able to fly the flight w/o being penalized? Or, do you have to COMPLETE the flight prior to expiration?
Jim S
AS 617

Well you should always perform the flight before making a PIREP, and if using myAAS program it is obviously mandatory to first fly the flight.

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Re: Exp. Bid Flt.

Postby bigj » 26 Nov 2011 22:17

Hi Tom,
Thanks for the quick reply.

This is hard to articulate! Before a flt. is flown, we have to log into MyAAS system just to register the flight & to activate the MyAAS. We fly the flight, and upon completion file the pirep. If I could have beat the clock by registering/starting the flight before expiration, would I been penalized? Obviously, the flight would have expired before completing it but at least I would have started it before expiration.

I hope what I'm asking makes sense.

Did you used to fly @ Mtn. Air?

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Re: Exp. Bid Flt.

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 26 Nov 2011 23:36

Jim, I now understand your question, the system is programmed to accept a flight as complete once the PIREP has been filed. Re: Flying Mtn Air - no I did not.

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Re: Exp. Bid Flt.

Postby bigj » 27 Nov 2011 00:47

10-4, thanks Tom.

I have no intention of cutting it that close with any future flights. I was just curious after my blunder from yesterday.

I fly with a VA called Mtn. Air. I'm pretty sure there used to be a Tom Little or possibly T. Lytle who was a hub mgr. at KDEN a couple years ago. Thought you may have been that person.

Thanks again for the clarification.

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Re: Exp. Bid Flt.

Postby JSkorna » 27 Nov 2011 00:55

Just to add, you must fly AND PIREP the flight BEFORE the expiration time and date. Just booking and flying the flight do not count. So it is a 3 step process, book, fly and file!

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Re: Exp. Bid Flt.

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 27 Nov 2011 02:25

bigj wrote:10-4, thanks Tom.

I have no intention of cutting it that close with any future flights. I was just curious after my blunder from yesterday.

I fly with a VA called Mtn. Air. I'm pretty sure there used to be a Tom Little or possibly T. Lytle who was a hub mgr. at KDEN a couple years ago. Thought you may have been that person.

Thanks again for the clarification.

You got it... oh and my real name is Tom Glazewski (I think it's pretty well known especially to long time members around here) but I have used "Little" as my web name becuase it is so much easier to pronounce :) so I've gone with that ever since!

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