The Old Days/Ways

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The Old Days/Ways

Postby sonjamichelle » 09 Jan 2022 03:45

I got to say I miss the days when you could fire up FS, grab your favorite aircraft, start MyAAS and just fly.

For those of us who have just a wee bit of time to be able to set aside and fly the "new ways" can be a bit of a hinderance. I find that even though I'm retired, my y time is filled with more things to do around the house, workshop and supporting my Wife's business.

So the current method in the GA Division of trying to find an aircraft that is installed in your sim, the right airport, then creating a flight plan on top of all the voodo that has to go into when starting all the apps, drivers, tools to get all your controls, FIPS, G1000, etc and praying that MSFS2020 doesn't crash out in the process can mean up to an hour or sometimes more just starting a flight.

This means that I have not been able to fly a logged flight in some time. I like to fly GA pretty much exclusively. I'm not a "Big Iron" flyer. I don't enjoy the Boeings and Airbuses. Flying at 30,000+ you can't see anything. Gets boring. But in a GA aircraft you can see the ground, the sights and everything that the new MSFS2020 has to offer.

My purchased aircraft is not available in MSFS2020 at the time being, hopefully soon. So yeah this brings another challenge.

I know a LOT of folks here strive for realism, but sometimes that "strict" realism can be a downer for a casual flyer like I am these days.

Just a plea for those of us only get to eek out a bit of time each week/month.

OH, and I absolutely miss the Virtual Stock Market!! It was a great way to earn V$ to fly our GA flights since the Bid and Schedule Divisions rarely have anything but Big Iron and long flights.

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Re: The Old Days/Ways

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 09 Jan 2022 17:55

Hi Sonja!

Yes I completely understand the "things outside of FS" World taking our time! That has gotten me too.

One thing I want to mention is that MSFS 2020 is heavy on GA aircraft and all of the MSFS GA aircraft should be in the GA division available to fly. A majority of these aircraft have "new" ones available to fly so a flight plan can be started anywhere in the world when you use those. I cannot do much about the bugs/issues in MSFS though but as you know we can fly most any sim here including x-plane. Sidetracking here a bit (too much caffeine!) but I'm not a fan of x-plane though, tried so many times over the years but I just never seem to have a powerful enough computer that the sim won't "cut" my sim rate down to .5x or whatever which is stupid.

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Re: The Old Days/Ways

Postby AS129 - Michael » 09 Jan 2022 19:09

AS 2 Tom Little wrote:Hi Sonja!

Yes I completely understand the "things outside of FS" World taking our time! That has gotten me too.

One thing I want to mention is that MSFS 2020 is heavy on GA aircraft and all of the MSFS GA aircraft should be in the GA division available to fly. A majority of these aircraft have "new" ones available to fly so a flight plan can be started anywhere in the world when you use those. I cannot do much about the bugs/issues in MSFS though but as you know we can fly most any sim here including x-plane. Sidetracking here a bit (too much caffeine!) but I'm not a fan of x-plane though, tried so many times over the years but I just never seem to have a powerful enough computer that the sim won't "cut" my sim rate down to .5x or whatever which is stupid.

I tried the X-plane thing too. Just couldn't tweak it the way I wanted. Til I upgrade this computer, I'm staying old school with FS9. BTW Tom, check your PM's.

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Re: The Old Days/Ways

Postby sonjamichelle » 10 Jan 2022 12:03

Maybe I've just been away too long and just don't fully understand how to use the new Flight Admin System.

To be honest, I really don't get much time for games/sims these days. I'm so busy with physical projects these days that it leaves little time for virtual stuff.

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Re: The Old Days/Ways

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 10 Jan 2022 15:12

No problem Sonja,

It's really not too bad but to create a GA flight (using myAAS) just head over to our GA page - then create a flight plan

Enter the departure/arrival airports (ICAO)

then on the next page just choose the aircraft yo wish to use.

If it is available it will be in the drop down list. Note that the aircraft must be within the fuel range of the flight length. (Although I am thinking of changing this to allow as myAAS allows fuel stops!)

Also a full aircraft listing is available from the main GA page just click on view aircraft link. When viewing the list, the "location" column "New Lease" means you can start a new flight plan using this aircraft ANYWHERE in the world. If the aircraft has a location, this is an actual aircraft in the "world" and must take off from where it was last landed.

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Re: The Old Days/Ways

Postby sonjamichelle » 10 Jan 2022 23:10

AS 2 Tom Little wrote:No problem Sonja,
Also a full aircraft listing is available from the main GA page just click on view aircraft link. When viewing the list, the "location" column "New Lease" means you can start a new flight plan using this aircraft ANYWHERE in the world. If the aircraft has a location, this is an actual aircraft in the "world" and must take off from where it was last landed.

Ahhhh, it looks like it's this aspect that I was missing. That makes more sense now.

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