Status of Air Source Pilots Using AAS and VATSIM

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Status of Air Source Pilots Using AAS and VATSIM

Postby vjcarlo » 10 Feb 2021 13:39

I have noticed that when I fly using AAS and logged into vPilot on VATSIM that our website Home Page indicates I am currently flying using AAS but never shows any Air Source pilots flying on VATSIM.

In the past, I thought our VATSIM ID (from our profile) automatically triggered the database and the Home Page reflected our VA's pilots flying on VATSIM. I love promoting our great VA on VATSIM (I link our website into my flight plan RMKS) and I would love to see us promoting VATSIM to our VA pilots by showing our pilots currently flying via the Home Page.

Tom, can someone look into possibly refreshing this link to show Air Source pilots flying on VATSIM ? With the recent explosion of new simulator pilots (due to MSFS 2020), we have seen a tremendous boon of traffic on VATSIM and I hope this will also equate to a huge increase of pilots to our wonderful VA.

Let's ALL continue to promote Air Source on VATSIM and insure we stick around for another 20 + years :mrgreen:

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Re: Status of Air Source Pilots Using AAS and VATSIM

Postby chrisjk84 » 11 Feb 2021 01:19

The majority of my flying is on VATSIM, I didn't notice that it doesn't show who is online on the main page anymore. Be nice to see that working again :D

Re: Status of Air Source Pilots Using AAS and VATSIM

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 11 Feb 2021 01:26

Yes that is kind of broken, and unfortunately after many attempts requesting VATSIM to re-list AirSource on their website (providing all the required information) they have not responded. So I was actually going to be removing VATSIM from the front page but left it there.

I suppose VATSIM just do not cater to the smaller Virtual Airlines :lol: . AirSource has been around longer than VATSIM, we've seen this industry change a lot since the late 90's, but I do agree there is new life coming into the mix, which is always a good thing!

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Re: Status of Air Source Pilots Using AAS and VATSIM

Postby vjcarlo » 11 Feb 2021 15:41

Thanks Tom for your prompt response.

I'm glad you left VATSIM on the front page as this "tells" our Air Source pilots and website visitors we support this online community of volunteer air traffic controllers providing our pilots with the most realistic communications during their flights at no additional costs.

Since the VATSIM section never shows any of our pilots logged in, maybe we can change that space to some type of promoting the VA using VATSIM without referring to anyone currently flying. Thanks so much for your consideration !

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