Crew Passes Held

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Crew Passes Held

Postby Thumper_KJFK AS.381 » 02 Feb 2021 06:34

Hello Captains:

Question and suggestion: Is there an easier way to remove unused crew passes. over the past year I had unchecked that box when finishing a pirep report to remove said crew pass. So over the last year I have accumulated a lot. and it has gotten so cumbersome to look for stuff you want to fly. So from this point on all my flights will not be saved to the Plan Book. Over the many years flying I have found that if one saves the plan book, thinking it will be a way nice thing just to go to the plan book and pick a flight that was flown. Not so easy. We are talking about Hundreds of flights with 60 or more pages to look through.So I have found it much easy to just search for a flight and pick it. simple and straight forward takes a few sec to do. and your up and flying. Now I have been deleting 1 by 1 all those saved crew passes. There has got to be a better way to delete them. This is so painful one slowly by one delete. Pick delete exc.

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Re: Crew Passes Held

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 03 Feb 2021 01:29


I am sorry you're having this issue - and yes I agree there should be more options to search or sort the saved flights... unfortunately at this time they must be done one by one due to the fact that it crosses multiple tables - err.. ehh boring database stuff. It's not complicated to fix, I just need to make time to do so.

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Re: Crew Passes Held

Postby Thumper_KJFK AS.381 » 03 Feb 2021 08:09

don't stress over it Tom. Once I do finish cleaning the area up... I will from that point on just not un check the box. It is kind of nice to have that option of unchecking and keeping flights stacked in the log. but pilots like me tend to fly a lot, and this is the result. Thanks for having a unique and great system, there is none like it on any of the other va's I fly for. Don't change it and don't break anything, It's working just fine. :mrgreen:

again Thank you

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Re: Crew Passes Held

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 04 Feb 2021 01:05

LOL - can't promise I won't break it, but even if I did I do promise to fix it :lol:

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