Web Site Frustratingly Slow

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Web Site Frustratingly Slow

Postby TerryW » 24 Apr 2014 13:50

I hate griping about things, but jeez the site has been almost impossible to work with lately....so has the MyAASv2 PIREP program (will make a tiny suggestion on the appropriate page for that).

I know .....I'm retired...should have all the time in the world to wait for each page to (eventually) load, but I lack the patience to just sit and watch that silly blue circle spin 'til I'm timed out.

I want to book some flights, but can't seem to get to the page right now. Will wait for a bit and try again.

If I'm the only one having this problem, kindly chime in.....I'll try to troubleshoot the IE11...thanks.

Terry Wright

Re: Web Site Frustratingly Slow

Postby Buckeye Roy » 24 Apr 2014 14:59

Yes it is slow today, and yesterday it was as quick as greased lightning. Go figure! At least it isn't as slow as it was about a month ago. All-in-all it has been an improvement over what it was.

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Re: Web Site Frustratingly Slow

Postby JSkorna » 24 Apr 2014 15:50

I think the web hosting service got the message that we were not too happy with the performance lately.

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Re: Web Site Frustratingly Slow

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 24 Apr 2014 23:22

Hi Terry

It is slow, but there are moves afoot to change hosts and update the entire structure of the Website to get in line with modern infrastructure but as you imagine, this takes time so that plan is to roll this work out before the end of this year.

Tom is working hard (amongst his day job and running a family) to get the work done but AirSource must always take second place to his paying job and his wife and family.

That aside, like most sites on a shared host server, speed often relates to who else is sharing the server and what demands other users might be placing on the server and that is something we have no control over and won't have any control over when we move hosts. Shared servers are ideal for our sort of set up because overall they are MUCH more cost-effective. If we had a dedicated server we'd be paying big bucks so as is often the case, there is a compromise.

Fingers crossed that the changes will start to roll out in the next few months and you will see a huge improvement in load times.


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Re: Web Site Frustratingly Slow

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 25 Apr 2014 00:02

Yes it's been much better lately. But it's too late. The new host is operating and I am slowly moving files and converting as I go. It is going to be a while before we "switch" to the new host but I'll keep plugging as I can. I have until October. Joe is also helping me out - he already programmed a php version of our forum signatures and it works perfectly!

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Re: Web Site Frustratingly Slow

Postby TerryW » 27 Apr 2014 10:06

Thanks, gentlemen....sorry 'bout the "rant". Looking forward to the updates that are planned. FS wouldn't hold as much interest for me without Air Source. You are doing a great service to me (and many others) just keeping the site going....all the best,
Terry Wright

Re: Web Site Frustratingly Slow

Postby Leemazz » 27 Apr 2014 18:11

Well , cant get on the website , cant pirep flights not good

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