Runways in use BEFORE arriving at destination?

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Runways in use BEFORE arriving at destination?

Postby vic365 » 05 Mar 2009 16:59

As I get more and more aircraft with FMC's/MCDU's I always run into the problem of trying to divine which runway FS ATC will have me use on arrival so I can enter it in the FMC. If the forecast winds are moderate to strong I can "usually" count on FS ATC to take that into consideration...unless the wind direction is between runway headings. But when the wind is light to's a crap shoot until 30 miles out and ATIS becomes available...if there is ATIS at destination.

I've entered a complete flight plan and ignored ATC, but the problem with that is the AI are NOT ignoring ATC and have a tendency to cause taking off from the opposite end of the RW I'm on short final too! :shock: or pulling out to line up for T/O...right in front of me as I pass the threshhold :roll: .

Is there anything that might help with this or should I just figure on not knowing the runway until I get close?


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Postby guigui » 05 Mar 2009 17:38

I used Radar Contact 4.3 (Payware) and I can listen ATIS between 50 and 60 miles.

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Postby Leemazz » 05 Mar 2009 18:46

I have the same problem but i get a lot right by going for the runway with a headwind , plus the default atc will generally land you at a short runway or something daft . I also use Radar Contact .

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Postby AS283 Roger Dean » 06 Mar 2009 00:14

I just take my best shot when planning based on the informatiom I have available before the flight. When I get close to my destination and ATC tells me differently I just reprogram the FMC with the new runway. Just like real world. Ignoring ATC is not a wise thing to do. (as you know).
AS283 Roger Dean

Postby as099mw » 06 Mar 2009 10:38

Sometimes there is possibility to ask for approach and/or runway different from originally assigned, especially if two parallel runways are available. It even seems to be part of the game, because
- if there are two parallel runways, one of them with no traffic and one with dense and slow arriving traffic, then You are always sent to the second of them, thus being forced to fly at very low (often unsafe) speed or to make a go-around (FS ATC often has a problems with separation)
- if (in the night or limited visibility conditions) one of the parallel runways has ILS, while the other has no approach lights and sometimes even no runway lights, then the "dark" one is always Yours.
- if one of the parallel runways is concrete while the other is grass, or if they are of different length, guess which is Yours...

To select the best runway (if alternates are available), You only need to know the destination airport layout using real world charts or FS GPS and FS maps (FS is sometimes slightly different from reality).

Also You have to listen to radio communication to be aware of other traffic (approaching, departing etc.). This is a good practice during any approach (or even during the whole flight), because FS ATC never issues speed commands (for ex like "maintain 210 knots to the outer marker" or similar) to maintain horizontal separation. It's solely up to You to reduce/increase Your airspeed to maintain separation from other departing/arriving traffic infront of You and to ensure, that You are not an obstacle for traffic behind You.

I always fly manually below 10.000ft (arrival) and never rely exclusively on FMS, GPS and/or automatic devices. I always use more nav instruments, as much as available (I even tune up ILS when landing VFR, if ILS available). Never had a problem with different runway requested (if available) at the last possible moment.


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Postby ianbeggs » 20 Mar 2009 16:39

Man I shut my AI off along time ago. Its so annoying, not telling ya how to fly or what to use but I fly on Vatsim, most of the time there's no atc online but it still is fun. I plan a flight get the metars, proper charts, and if the Arrival or Departure airport is covered I listen in on I'm doing a flight right now and Im listing in on SFO Tower and know that Im going to be landing RW 28R. I also use active sky X so the weather in my sim is accurate and easy to look up a metar for any airfield. And if atc does come online that just a bonus.

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