Forum Nicks

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Forum Nicks

Postby Leemazz » 19 Apr 2008 19:44

I noticed a very intesting name as the newest member ........ Female 16R personally it does not bother me but could offend some people as there are youngsters and women around here . I suggest you change it .

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Postby sonjamichelle » 20 Apr 2008 02:10

Are we missing an inside joke, innuendo, euphemism or something?

I'd be more interested in removing these:

Fat Ugly Woman Tbh
Booty Porn 08Qhh
Cum Y866B
Cum Drinking Female I6R
Fat Pat Video Tfp
Booty Tube 1Yrws
Big Ol Booty 6sF
Fat Videos 38G84

All of those nicks joined on April 19, 2008 and all of them have links to porn and/or spam sites.

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Postby rabhaw » 20 Apr 2008 06:10

It would seem the forum is being spamed, shame.

Postby Leemazz » 20 Apr 2008 09:55

Yes these are the ones . I noticed them yesterday .

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Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 20 Apr 2008 18:17

Yah we've been getting this spam for months now. Anyone have a suggestion on how to stop this without closing forum registration?

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Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 20 Apr 2008 19:08

Okay I tried something new, let's see if it helps/works!

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Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 25 Apr 2008 13:49


I too have this problem with a number of phpBB forums I administer.

A couple of ways I have sorted it:

1. Approve all new registrations and delete any that don't fit specified criteria (long and time consuming)

2. Insist that all registrations are FirstName LastName as it means that spam sticks out (not a phpBB setting dammit)

3. Since upgrading to phpBB 3.x on one of them, I've not had one spam registration.


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