Vatsim or otherwise Humanitarian flights?

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Vatsim or otherwise Humanitarian flights?

Postby dickcory1 » 30 Jul 2013 21:48

It's a thought... and I'm probably biting off more than I can chew and/or volunteering, but has anyone thought of - or is anyone interested - in a Realtime, Vatsim (or other network) group flight using ASHA division craft and for a specific purpose?

Just curious; would be great to make a statement or our pressence known either during an established event or just all flying in the same world for a specific purpose over the course of a few hours. Ya know.. an "official operation", of sorts.

A few weeks back I used a c-17 to fly in during an event, and it got me thinking. In a former VA, there would be ribbons given for a combination of events and with specific craft, not just missions. Like, "fly c-130 from Andrews AFB to Dallas during a scheduled event, and receive the "Birds over Spurs" ribbon".

[on a side note, I was displeased that the controller at the time thought I was a Cessna]

Maybe this now belongs in another category/thread, but wanted to know what others thought.

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Re: Vatsim or otherwise Humanitarian flights?

Postby AS455 - Don » 12 Aug 2013 15:03

" a Realtime, Vatsim (or other network)..."
As a Former USAF C-130E Crew Chief (62-1792 at Dyess AFB '66 - '68), I can now only simulate Humanitarian and Rescue Missions with FltSim.
I am a current member of VATSIM, but I like VATME because of its more relaxed, laid back atmosphere, and TeamSpeak for the social and Controlling (ATC) aspects of Flying. You can fly when and where you want to - just like AirSource.
As far as Ribbons or Awards for individual events- probably not!
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