More fun with AS!

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More fun with AS!

Postby vadopazzo » 20 Jan 2011 23:32

AS is fun for me and I'm always looking for ways to increase my enjoyment. Lately, I've been having fun with vRoute ... trying to put together routes that will be validated by vRoute when the desired route is not available. It's a very interesting puzzle when various airway restrictions thwart validation and (I've been doing it for European routes since I like flying there) you have to resort to various enroute charts and data from Eurocontrol to figure out why a certain portion of an airway is not available. Europe is full of challenges because of the myriad authorities governing the airways. Trying to figure out a valid route is quite enjoyable; in fact, I won't fly an AS route until I can find a valid route on vRoute or create one.

There are some good tutorials in the vRoute forum ...

Have fun!

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